Window Sticker

Pear Tree
2016-11-10 15:47


Inventory – Units – Update – Update (Tabbed)


Specs Tab


The display for the Lower Specification Section depends on the Unit Class selected on the General window.   Mainly used for Window Sticker information, Equipment and Accessories section.





-        Table dependant. (Inventory – Units – Administration – Unit Specs – Class Specs).  

-        Auto-populates if the Class selected on the General section has been set up in the Class Specs Table (See Unit Specs notes below).

-        Options or Features a Unit has.

-        Click on Underlined Link to choose from a Table if not already populated.

-        Can be grouped according to Category.

-        Can have a Standard set of Specs set up for each Class.

-        Can use the + and – Buttons to make it individual for that specific Unit.

-        Can be edited.

-        Freeform.

-        Alphanumeric.




Specification Value:




-        Gives more information for the Specification.

-        Not from a Table, User defined.

-        If left blank, will show as Incl. on the Window Sticker.

-        Can be edited.

-        Freeform.

-        Alphanumeric.


Window Sticker:

-        Information collected in Specs Tab shows under Equipment and Accessories Section.






Inventory – Unit – Administration – Unit Specs – Class Specs

Separates the Inventory Categories by Class.  For RVs it could be New versus Used or Fifth Wheel versus Tent Trailer.  Specifications are added that pertain to this particular Class but not to other Classes.  Any time a new Unit is added in the Unit Update window, the specifications for that Class will be auto-populated in the Specs section, if it is set up in this Table.




Product Class:

-        Choose the Unit Product Class from the dropdown (from Inventory – Units – Administration – Product Classes).

-        Will only show Class Type Unit from the Table.



-        The + Button in the Title section can add extra rows to the table.  

-        The X Button on the Line can delete a row.

-        Manually type in the Specification for that Category.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Freeform.


Add From…:




-        Clicking this button adds a second Category dropdown (from Inventory – Unit – Administration – Unit Specs – Category Specs Table – See notes below).

-        Choose a Category from the dropdown.  All specifications set up for that category will be added to the Table.

-        The X Button on the Line can delete a row for any specification not required for that Category.



-        Submits any new or updated information to the system.



-        Clears the screen.

-        If any new information has not been submitted it will be lost.



-        Deletes a Product Class’ specification information from the system.


Inventory – Unit – Administration – Unit Specs – Category Specs

Different specifications can also be added for different types of Categories (RV, Car, Truck, etc.).  





-        Choose a category from the dropdown.

-        If the category is not showing, needs to be added in the Category Table (PTS – Table Mtc. – Inventory Units – Unit Categories).



-        The + Button in the Title section can add extra rows to the table.  

-        The X Button on the Line can delete a row.

-        Manually type in the Specification for that Category.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Freeform.

Add V6 Defaults:

-        Adds all V6 specifications to the table.

-        The X Button on the Line can delete a row for any V6 specification not required for that Category.


Add From…:

-        Clicking this button adds a second Category dropdown.


-        Choose a Category from the dropdown.  All specifications set up for that category will be added to the Table.

-        The X Button on the Line can delete a row for any specification not required for that Category.



-        Submits any new or updated information to the system.



-        Clears the screen.

-        If any new information has not been submitted it will be lost.


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