Pear Tree
2016-11-10 15:47


Customer Relationship Management.


The purpose of the application is to allow Sales and Service people the ability to keep track of their To-Do Lists.  They can see what they have done, what they need to do next, who they need to call, to whom they have talked, and so on. 




Click on CRM in the left hand menu bar.  The Followup screen will appear.  If the Salesperson has any tasks or follow ups to do, a list will appear.  If this is a first time User, there will be no Follow ups on the screen.


Sales Rep:

-        Can be selected from a drop-down list if the User is set up as a Manager.

-        Allows the Manager to see ALL Salespeople’s Follow ups.

-        Defaults to the User Name that the salesperson logged in with.  This must be set up as the Salesperson ID in the Salesperson’s Table (System Admin – Configuration – Tables – Salesperson – Update).


-        Filter:  Dropdown field.

o   Choose between 4 different options:

§  All:  Will show ALL the follow-ups for the chosen Sales Rep.

§  Today:  Will show the current date’s follow-ups.

§  This Week:  Will show all follow-ups for the current week.

§  This Month:  Will show all follow-ups for the current month.

§  Other:  Will default to whatever filter was used before.  If Today was used then Other will use today’s date.  If This Week was used, will default to the week’s date range.


Prospects Button:

-        Automatically defaults to the Prospect Update window (Prospect Tab).

-        Has seven Buttons to choose:  Prospect, Buying, Selling, History, Followup, Survey, Images.


Prospect – Prospect:



-        Fill in the name and whatever information is available on the new Prospect.

o   If a Dealership or a Business, Last Name can be the name of the Business.

o   Last Name is the only Mandatory field.  All others are optional.


Prospect ID:

-        Defaults to New.

-        If adding New Prospect, either leave as New or enter something not already used in the system.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        If looking up an already added Prospect, either manually enter the Prospect ID Number, or use the Underlined Link to find from the Table.

-        Prospects are different from Customers.



Customer ID:

-        To add a Customer already in the system as a Prospect.

-        Manually enter or click the ID or click on Underlined Link and choose from the Table

-        Pop up window will appear.

-        Choose the appropriate Customer.



-        Click to bring the Prospect ID field back to New.

-        Will clear the screen.


Activity Search:

-        Brings up all Activities in the system.


Survey Search:

-        Brings up all Surveys entered in the system.


Last Name:

-        Type in Last Name of Prospect or Name of Business/Dealership Title.

-        Only Mandatory field.

-        Alphanumeric.


First Name:

-        Type in First Name, if applicable.

-        Alphanumeric.


Middle Name:

-        Type in First Name, if applicable.

-        Alphanumeric.



-        Type in Title (exp.: Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms./Captain etc.).

-        Alphanumeric.



-        Type in Street Address/PO Box.

-        Alphanumeric.



-        Type in name of City/Town.

-        Alphanumeric



-        If State/Province is not showing can be added in System Admin – Configuration – Location – State/Province.

-        Two letters.

-        Can manually type in or use Underlined Link to choose from Table.




-        Defaults from State/Province.

-        Use dropdown to change the Country if needed.

-        If Country is not showing, can be added in System Admin – Configuration – Location – Country.


License Plate:

-        Can put in License Plate number to Search for customer driving onto the lot to see if already in the system.

-        Can add more than one License Number per Prospect.

-        Use the + Box in the Title to add another Number.

-        Alphanumeric.



-        Alphanumeric.

-        Manual entry.

-        Freeform.



-        Choose from dropdown.

-        Not linked to anything.


Age Group:

-        Choose from dropdown.



-        Put in the Contact Name of the Prospect.

-        Usually the Prospect Name.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Freeform.



-        Can add Title, as seen in upper section.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Freeform.


Contact Phone:

-        Phone Number of the Contact Person.

-        Numeric only  or will receive an Error warning:



-        Must be 10 or 11 digits or will receive the above Error.

-        Can put in Country Code as well as Area Code and seven digit phone number.

-        Will automatically format to proper form.


Contact Cell:

-        Mobile Phone Number of the Contact Person.

-        Numeric only  or will receive an Error warning:



-        Must be 10 or 11 digits or will receive the above Error.

-        Can put in Country Code as well as Area Code and seven digit phone number.  Country Code must be a number or will not input it when tabbing out of field.

-        Will automatically format to proper form.


Contact Email:

-        Freeform.

-        No structured format.

-        Alphanumeric.



-        When sending an e-mail to the Prospect, click in the light green area.

-        A dropdown field will appear above the Contact box:  Email Form.

-        Choose Template from the dropdown.

-        Templates created by User (Sales – Units - Other – CRM Email Template).


Send Email:

-        If a Contact Email has been added and a Template chosen, can send an e-mail to the Prospect.

-        Must use Microsoft Outlook 

-        Automatically brings up a new e-mail with the Prospect’s e-mail address in Outlook with the Template in the Message section.

-        Prospect Contact Name will show in Template if the Template contains <%CONTACT%>


Initial Contact Date:

-        Defaults to the Current Date.

-        Can be changed.

-        Can be Past, Present, or Future.



-        Shows the Time the Window was opened.

-        Can be changed.


Lead Source:

-        How the Lead came in (Email, telephone, show, drive by etc.).

-        Set up additional Lead Sources from Sales – Units – Other – CRM – CRM Tables – Source Table.

-        Choose from dropdown.

-        Information only, not shown in any reports or linked to anything yet.


Sales ID:

-        Choose from dropdown.

-        List of Salesperson’s IDs in Peartree.  Taken from Salesperson Table.

-        Must be same as Login ID or will not show any activity for that Salesperson.


Lead Stage:

-        What the Prospect Status is (Interested, Qualified. Test, etc.).

-        Set up additional Lead Stages from Sales – Units – Other – CRM – CRM Tables – Status Table.

-        Select from dropdown.


Contact Method:

-        How client would like to be contacted (Phone, Email, Fax).

-        Set up additional Contact methods from Sales – Units – Other – CRM – CRM Tables – Follow up type.

-        Choose from dropdown.


Notes Box:

-        Freeform.

-        Type in Notes.

-        Alphanumeric.



-        Submits the information added and Updates the account.



-        Closes the window.

-        If Submit has not been clicked, any added information will not be saved.



-        Clears the window but does not close it.


Add Activity:


-        Opens a new window.

-        Contact information shows at the top and cannot be edited in this window. 


Sale ID:

-        Salesperson’s ID.

-        Can be changed using the dropdown.


Activity Date:

-        Defaults to current date but can be changed.

-        Past, present or future date can be used.

-        Numeric – use MM/DD/YY format.

-        Alphanumeric – Use alpha Month and numeric Date or vice versa.  Will change to the MM/DD/YY format.


Activity Type:

-        Demo, Email, Fax, Phone call, etc.

-        Choose from dropdown.


Description of Activity:

-        Freeform.

-        Put in all information of the Activity.


Activity Result:

-        Result of the Activity performed (Need to Followup, Not interested, Bought here, etc.).

-        From Sales – Units – Other – CRM – CRM Tables – Results Table.

-        Choose from the dropdown.


Lead Stage:

-        What the Prospect Status is (Interested, Qualified. Test, etc.).

-        From Sales – Units – Other – CRM – CRM Tables – Status Table.

-        Status titles set up by User.

-        Select from dropdown.


Follow Up

-        If Follow Up is needed fill in the information below.

-        If no Follow Up is needed, click No Followup Required.

-        If nothing is entered in Follow-up, automatically defaults to No Followup Required so no reminders will show.


Followup Date:

-        Defaults to the current date.  Can change to Date of the Followup.

-        Manually enter or use the Calendar icon.

-        Past, present or future date can be used.

-        Numeric – use MM/DD/YY format.

-        Alphanumeric – Use alpha Month and numeric Date or vice versa.  Will change to the MM/DD/YY format.



Followup Time:

-        Defaults to time window was opened.

-        Can be changed. 


Followup Type:

-        How the Salesperson is following up with the Prospect.

-        Email, Demo, Phone, etc.

-        From Sales – Units – Other – CRM – CRM Tables – Followup Type.

-        Choose from dropdown.


Followup Sales ID:

-        Choose from dropdown.

-        Comes from Salespersons Table.


Followup Details:

-        Freeform.

-        Type in details for the follow up.



-        Updates the information added.


Close Window:

-        Closes Window to Prospect Window.

-        If Submit not clicked, any new information added will not be saved.





-        Opens Unit Quote Window.



-        Can start a NEW quote.

-        Can click on the Underlined Link to bring up a Quote already in the system.

-        Can manually type in Quote Number, if known.



-        Clears the window and starts a New Quote.



-        Store the Salesperson is eligible.

-        Defaults in.


Unit ID:

-        Type in the Unit ID to Quote or use the Underlined Link to choose from the Table.

-        If you are quoting on a unit to be custom-ordered, do not enter a unit id.  Instead, click on the Unit Details button next to the Unit ID and enter the custom unit’s information in the new pop-up window.

-        If a Unit ID is filled in, all the Profile information for that Unit will show on the Quote.



-        Defaults in from the Unit Profile.



-        Defaults in from the Unit Profile.


Unit Type:

-        Defaults in from the Unit Profile.



-        Defaults in from the Unit Profile.



-        Defaults in from the Unit Profile.


Tax Code:

-        Defaults in from the Customer Profile.


Customer ID:

-        Defaults from the Customer Profile.



-        If the Prospect is not a Customer, can add the Prospect to the Customer Profile.


Prospect ID:

-        Defaults from the Prospect Profile.


Sales ID:

-        Defaults from the Prospect window,

-        Can be changed using the dropdown.

-        Names come from the Salesperson Table.


Sales Date:

-        Defaults to the current date.

-        Can be a date in the past, present or future.

-        Can be changed.


Delivery Date:

-        Defaults to the current date.

-        Can be a date in the past, present or future.

-        Can be changed.



-        Can add Notes regarding the Quote.

-        Freeform.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Unlimited space.



-        Price of the Unit as entered in the Unit Profile.

-        Can be changed.

-        Numeric only or will receive an Error message.



-        Can be positive, negative or 0.00.




Trade Number:

-        Free form.

-        Alphanumeric.



Trade Description:

-        Free form.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Put in a description of the Trade In.



-        Amount allowed to the customer  for the Trade In.

-        Must be numeric or will get an Error message.



-        Can be positive, negative or 0.00                 

-        Must enter a Trade Number or will get an Error message



Lien Amount:

-        Amount still owed on the Trade In.

-        Must be numeric or will get an Error message.



-        Can be positive, negative or 0.00


Lien Holder:

-        Must be already set up as a vendor.

-        Can use the Underlined Link to choose a Lien Holder from the Table.


Trade Balance:

-        Allowance minus Lien Amount.

-        Cannot be edited in this field.

-        Subtracted from the Price. 


PDI Charge:

-        Amount for the PDI.

-        Must be numeric or will get an Error warning.



-        Can be positive, negative or 0.00                 

-        Adds to the Price. 



Setup Charge:

-        Charge for the Set Up.

-        Must be numeric or will get an Error warning.



-        Can be positive, negative or 0.00

-        Adds to the Price. 


Admin Fee:

-        Charge for Admin.

-        Must be numeric or will get an Error message.



-        Can be positive, negative or 0.00

-        Adds to the Price. 


Add Ons:

-        Total of all the Add On Amounts in the Add On section.




Add On Code:

-        Extras such as rust proofing, insurance,  extra fees, etc.

-        From a Table (Sales – Units – Other – Add On Table).

-        Accessories is the only Add On that must have a Product added or will receive an Error message.



Product Number:

-        Draws from the Parts Profile.



-        Add On Description.

-        Draws from the Add On Table.

-        Can be changed.



-        Draws from the Product Profile.

-        Can be changed.

-        Must be greater than 0 or will get an Error message.



Tax Flag:

-        Draws from the Add On Table.

-        Can be changed.



-        Draws from the Parts Table.

-        Only shows when a Product Number is added to the line.

-        If an amount is showing, it can be changed.

-        If no Product is added, this field is inaccessible.

-        If a Price lower than the Average COST price, from the Product Profile,  is entered, an Error message will appear.




Tax Codes/Amounts:

-        Shows what Taxes are added to the Price and the accumulative amount for each.

-        Cannot be changed in these fields.


Tax Total:

-        Total amount of all the different Taxes calculated on the Quote.

-        Closed field.  Cannot be changed.


License Charge:

-        Must be numeric or will receive an Error message.



-        Can be positive, negative, or 0.00.

-        No taxes are calculated from this field.

-        Not mandatory.


Deal Total:

-        Price – Trade Balance + PDI Charge + Setup Charge + Admin Fee + Add Ons + Tax Total + License Charge.

-        This field cannot be edited.



-        Saves the Quote in the system.

-        When Submitted, the line “#” Quote saved! Will be seen next to the Deal Total field.



-        Clears the screen for the next quote.



-        Deletes the quote if it has been submitted.



-        Closes the window.


Disp. Costs:



-        Shows the Unit Sales Cost Display.

-        Shows the Margin and Markup % amounts.

-        Shows the GL Transactions for the Sale using the GL Data Button.





-        Allows the Salesperson to try different amounts to reach the Required Margin.

-        Customer Offer:

o   Quote from the Customer.

o   Price from Unit Quotes window defaults in.

o   Can be edited.

-        Trade Difference:              

o   Amount of Trade In, of there is one.

-        Required Margin:

o   Margin the Salesperson is hoping to obtain form the Sale.

-        Close:

o   Closes the window and returns to Unit Quotes window.

-        Update Sale:

o   Updates the Sale Price with the new amount in the Unit Quotes window.


Quote Print:

-        Prints the Quote for the Customer.

-        This is not a Sale.

-        How long the Quote is Valid prints at the bottom of the page.


Add On Costs:

-        Shows the Add-Ons associated with the Unit.

-        Information only.  Cannot be edited in this window.






-        Shows the amount for Weekly, Bi-Weekly or Monthly payments based on various parameters.

-        Quote:

o   The Quote Number.

o   Can change to another Quote.

-        Deal Total:

o   The Total Amount the Customer would pay if buying this Unit.

o   Can be edited on this page.

-        Allowance Total:

o   Defaults in from Unit Quotes window.

o   The total amount of all Trade Ins associated with the deal.

o   Cannot be edited in this window.

-        Lien Total:

o   Defaults in from Unit Quotes window.

o   Total amounts on Liens on any Trade Ins associated with the deal.

o   Cannot be edited in this window.

-        Down Payment:

o   How much of an initial payment the Customer makes on the Unit.

o   Can be edited on this page.

-        Principal:

o   The amount upon which principal will be paid.

-        Amortization:

o   A measurement of the length of time in months that a loan payment is calculated on. On a normal installment loan, like for a car or boat, your amortization and term are the same. So when the term is up there is no more principal balance due. However, on certain other loans, including qualifying RV loans and some home loans, the amortization period can be longer than the term, allowing your payment to be less. But this also means you may still have a balance remaining when your term is up, so another loan will have to be made to payoff the remaining balance. This is typical of what is referred to as a balloon payment loan.

-        Term:

o   The length of time of your loan. Terms are generally measured in months. Example: if you have a 60 month term auto loan with scheduled monthly payments that means you will make payments every month for 60 months until your loan is paid off.

-        Payment Frequency:

o   How often a payment is made.

o   Three options:  Weekly, Bi-Weekly  and Monthly.

-        Payment Per Year:

o   Calculated based on the Payment Frequency.

o   Cannot be edited in this field.

o   Can only be changed by changing the Payment Frequency.

-        Interest Rate (Annual):

o   Percentage Interest on the loan over a year.

-        Period Payment:

o   Payment Amount per Payment Frequency.

-        Balloon Amount:

o   The payment still due at the end of a loan.

o   Principal – (Period Payment * Payments Per Year * Number of Year * Interest)

-        Final Payment:

o   Balloon Payment + Period Payment.

o   Amount still owing after the Term payments are made.

-        Recalculate:

o   Recalculates if any numbers are changed.










Buying Tab:




-        Looks at what the customer is interested in buying.

-        Search based on criteria.

-        Run all open for everything, or narrow down the parameters.

-        Must enter either a Prospect ID or a Customer ID.



-        Shows the Inventory that matched the search criteria under Search Hits.

-        Can choose from the list and add a quote.


Looking to Buy:

-        Shows Search criteria for what the customer is interested in buying that have been already saved in the system.


Average rating: 0 (0 Votes)

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