VENDOR UPDATE - Manufacturer
Vendors are companies and people that you purchase products from for your dealership. Peartree Dealership tracks vendors in a similar manner to customers.
Any field with an asterisk (*) is mandatory.
Vendor ID: (If the Vendor ID is not known, the User can click on the Underlined title and bring up a list of Vendors already added to the system.)
- Manually type in the ID for a New Vendor or click New to create a system generated ID.
- Field is alphanumeric.
- There is no limit on the characters.
Name: Mandatory
- Some form of ID MUST be used.
- If it is a business, the business name can be put here.
- Alphanumeric.
- No limit on characters.
Alt Name:
- Alternate name.
- Manually added.
- Alphanumeric.
- No limit on characters.
Address: Mandatory
- Alphanumeric.
- No limit on characters.
- Can be a PO Box or a Street address.
City: Mandatory
- Alphanumeric.
- Unlimited characters.
State/Province: Mandatory
- Alphanumeric.
- Two characters.
- Codes found in State Code Table.
- If a Code is not entered for the Province/State, one must be entered in the Province/State Table before it can be used (System Admin – Configuration – Location – State/Province).
- Either enter the Code manually or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- Select from dropdown.
- If the Country is not showing, one must be entered in the Country Table before it can be used (System Admin – Configuration – Location – Country).
- Alphanumeric.
- For Canada, MUST be entered in the Canadian Format: X9X 9X9.
- If entered incorrectly, the following Error Message will appear.
- For US, MUST be entered in the US Format: 99999 or 99999-9999.
- If entered incorrectly, the following Error Message will appear.
**** State/Province, Country and Zip/Postal must match. If a State Code is used, the Country must be US and a Zip code used. If a Province Code, the Country must be Canada and a Postal Code used. If they do not match, a warning Error will appear. ********
- Any further information about this vendor can be entered here.
Sublet Mark Up %:
- The extra cost charged to a customer if any Sublet work is contracted out to this Vendor.
- Vendor amount + the Mark Up amount.
Tax Code:
- Select the appropriate sales tax from the dropdown to apply to this vendor’s invoices.
- If the appropriate Sales Tax is not showing, it can be added to the associated Table (System Admin – Configuration – Tables – Tax – Codes).
Discount Percent:
- If a Vendor gives you a Discount for prompt payment, enter here.
- Numeric only.
- If anything else is entered an Error message will appear.
- Must be less than 100 or an Error message will appear.
- Must not be negative or an Error message will appear.
Discount Days:
- How many days before the Discount is no longer valid.
Due Days:
- Number of days from the invoice date to when the payment is due.
- Numeric only or an Error message appears.
- Must not be a negative number or an Error message appears.
Payment Terms:
- Reference field for the User.
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Unlimited space.
Credit Limit:
- The maximum funds the vendor will let the Dealership charge on account.
- Not filled in means Unlimited Credit, not no credit.
- Numeric only or an Error message appears.
- Must not be negative or an Error warning appears.
- Unlimited field.
Payables Code:
- Can be changed from the default showing using the dropdown.
- If the proper Payables Code is not showing, it can be added to the applicable Table (Finance – Payables – Administration – Payables Code).
Bank Name:
- Display only
- Added from Finance – Payables – Administration – Bank Codes Table.
Funds Code:
- Defaults from Finance – Payables – Administration – Bank Codes.
- Cannot be edited from the Vendor Update window.
GST Registration:
- GST Registration number.
- Use only if the Vendor is also a Manufacturer.
- Enter the corresponding Customer ID number for the Manufacturer.
- May or may not be the same as the Vendor ID.
Manufacturer Name:
- Will default in from the Customer’s ID.
- Cannot edit in this window.
Vendor Account No.:
- The Vendor’s account number for the Dealership.
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Not linked to anything.
Default GL Account (for invoice update):
- The account these charges are normally posted to in the General Ledger.
- Enter manually or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- Can be overridden on the Accounts Payable invoice.
- Alphanumeric.
- Unlimited space.
- Manually enter Contact Name.
Contact Phone:
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Unlimited space.
- Manually enter Contact number.
Contact Cell:
- Formatted.
- Numeric
- Enter the ten digit number with or without dashes. The system will automatically reconfigure.
- If incorrect format is used, an Error Message will appear.
Contact Email:
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Unlimited space.
- Manually enter.
- Submits any new or updated information to the system.
- Clears the screen.
- Any new information will be lost if it has not been submitted.
- Deletes the Vendor from the system.
- System checks for any history.
- If there is a history, must make Inactive instead.
- Loses all information for this Vendor.
Manufacturers are Vendors, since the Dealership purchases Units and Parts from them for re-sale. But they are also the Dealership’s customers because they are billed for warranty work. Manufacturers must be entered into Peartree Dealership as both a Vendor and a Customer.
Customer Update
Enter the Manufacturer’s information, as for a retail customer, but pay special attention to the following fields.
- Fill in the Business name.
- Leave other name fields blank.
Customer Type:
- Choose Manufacturer from the dropdown.
MFG Labour Rate: Mandatory
- Dictates how much the Manufacturer will pay per hour for Warranty services.
- Will be in the currency of the Funds Code.
Price Code: Mandatory
- There are five Price Codes.
- Every Part has potentially five Prices.
- The Manufacturer will almost never be set to Price. They set their own price.
Vendor Update
Enter the Manufacturer’s information, just as you would if they were a Vendor, but pay special attention to the following fields.
Vendor Code:
- Can use the Manufacturer’s Customer ID or enter a different code.
Funds Code:
- Must be the same as the Customer.
- Enter the Manufacturer’s Customer ID.
- Can use the Underlined link to see the Customers listed as Manufacturers in Customer Update.
- Vendor must be listed as a Manufacturer in Customer Update in order to appear in this Table.
Inventory – Units – Update – Update (Tabbed)
Mfg Code:
- Manufacturer’s Customer ID Code.