Parts Module

Pear Tree
2016-11-10 15:47

Table of Contents

Inventory – Parts – Administration – Inv. Locations

Inventory – Parts – Update – Parts Update

Master Parts Search:

Print Label:

Inventory – Parts – Update – Parts Kit

Part Sales

Inventory – Parts – Update – On Hand Adjustment

Sales – Parts – Special Orders

Balancing the Cash Drawer

Sales – Parts – Daily Menu – Payments

Sales – Parts – Daily Menu – Daily Update


Sales – Inquiry – Parts Sales

Inventory – Parts – Parts Inquiry

Sales – Inquiry – Customer Inquiry – Cust. Purchases





Inventory – Parts – Administration – Inv. Locations


Used to set up Locations are for the Parts Update and the On Hands Adjustment windows.

-        These need to be set up before Parts are set up.

-        Single Location per Part.  Cannot be stocked in multiple locations at this time.





-        Code for where the Part is located i.e.:

o   Shop

o   Warehouse

o   Row X Shelf Y, etc.



-        Description of the Location.

o   Alphanumeric.

o   Freeform.



-        Saves and submits any new information to the system.



-        Clears the window of information.

-        If any new information has been entered but not Submitted, it will be lost.



-        Prints a list of the Location Codes and Descriptions.



-        Obsolete for new Users.








Inventory – Parts – Update – Parts Update

The Parts Update screen is where you can manage your parts inventory. You can add, update, and delete parts.




Product ID: Mandatory

-        Can use the Distributor’s Product Number.

-        Manually enter the code for the Product or use the New Button to have the system assign one.

-        To bring up a Part that is already saved in the system, click on the Underlined link and choose from the Table or enter the part number into the box and press tab



-        By clicking this Button, populates the Product ID field with the word NEW.

-        Once submitted, the system will assign an ID to the product.




Description: Mandatory

-        Description of the Part being entered.

-        Manually enter or use the Master Button to import the Product with the Vendor Description.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Freeform.

-        Unlimited.



Product Class: Mandatory

-        Groups like Parts together.

-        From Inventory – Parts – Administration – Product Classes.

-        Only Classes with Class Type Parts from the above Table is available to use.

-        Linked to various accounts through this Table:

o   Sales account

o   Cost of Sales General Ledger account

o   Inventory General Ledger account

o   Inventory Adjustment General Ledger account

-        Can manually enter the Class if known or click the Underlined link and choose from the Table.


Price Button:

Activates Parts Price Update window.



-        Usually Retail Price.

-        Can have up to five different prices.

-        Manually enter.

-        If it has been pulled in from the Master catalogue, can be overridden.

-        Must be a valid number or will receive an Error warning.



-        If more than two decimals are entered, will round to two decimal places.

-        Can calculate process from the Price Grid.


Average Cost:

-        Must be set to Yes in Store Profile in order to calculate.

-        Calculates on an ongoing basis.

-        Same product coming in over time from different vendors at different prices and quantities.


Stock Levels:

-        Min.

o   Minimum stock the Dealership would like to have on hand.

o   Not linked to anything.

-        Max

o   Maximum stock the Dealership would like to have on hand.

o   Not linked to anything.


Purchasing UOM: 

-        (Second field Select UOM):

o   If the Inventory received and the number of Products is a 1:1 Ratio, this field can be left as is.

o   If the Inventory received and the number of Products is not a 1:1 Ratio, this field needs to be filled in.

§  If 1 Case = 12 Parts, Case would be chosen from the dropdown.

§  If 1 Roll = 50 Feet, Roll would be chosen from the dropdown.

-        (First field)

o   The amount the vendor charges the dealership for the product, in the purchasing unit of measure, i.e. the cost per package, carton or roll.

§  If 1 Case is received, the price for the Case.

§  If 1 Roll is received the Price for the Roll.

§  If it is a 1:1 Ratio, this field can be left blank. The cost will come from the Vendor Cost.


Stocking UOM:

-        If the Inventory received and the number of Products is a 1:1 Ratio, this field can be left as is.

-        If the Inventory received and the number of Products is not a 1:1 Ratio, this field needs to be filled in.

-        If 1 Case = 12 Parts, Each would be chosen from the dropdown.

-        If 1 Roll = 50 Feet, Feet would be chosen from the dropdown.


Stock To Purchase: 

-        If a Product is brought in as 1 Unit, this field does not need to be filled in or 1 is put here.

-        If a Product is brought in by the Case/Roll, etc., how many Parts are in the Case/Roll, etc. are entered here.

o   For example, if I Case = 12 Parts to be put into Inventory, 12 is entered here.

o    If 1 Roll of Carpet is 50 feet long, 50 is entered here.




1.     A Part is ordered on a 1:1 Ratio.  For each Part received, 1 goes into Stock.

a.     Stock to Purchase = 1 or left blank.

b.     Purchasing UOM (UOM field) = Left as the default Select UOM.

c.     Purchasing UOM (first field) = Blank

d.     Stocking UOM = Left as the default Select UOM.


2.     One Case is ordered that contains 8 Parts to put into Inventory.

a.     Stock to Purchase = 8.

b.     Purchasing UOM (UOM field) = Package.

c.     Purchasing UOM (first field) = Cost of the complete Package (for all 8 items).

d.     Stocking UOM = Each.


3.      One Roll is ordered that contains 16 Feet to put into Inventory.

a.    Stock to Purchase  = 16.

b.    Purchasing UOM (UOM field) = Roll.

c.    Purchasing UOM (first field) = Price of the Roll.

d.    Stocking UOM = Feet.


Only Tax:

-        Set up in Table System Admin – Configuration – Tables – Tax – Codes.

-        If subject to only one type of Tax (federal or provincial/state), select from the dropdown.

-        If nothing is selected, will choose the setting on the Vendor Profile.


Tax Included Code:

-        Set up in Table System Admin – Configuration – Tables – Tax – Codes.

-        If the Product has the Tax included in the price (like Propane), select the type of Tax Included from the dropdown.  

-        The system will calculate the amount of Tax included in the price and it will show in the Tax Code/Amount sections.


UPC Code:

-        Universal Product Code. 

-        The Barcode number from the supplier.

-        Scan the UPC directly into the system from the Part when this window is open to the product.

-        Whenever the Part is used or sold, the UPC will automatically scan in.

-        If not using the UPC, the Bar Code or Label Number can be used at time of sale.


Product Status:

-        Choose from the dropdown:

o   Active:  The Part will appear in Searches and can buy/sell.

o   Inactive: Does not appear on any searches.


Grid Price Override:

-        Choose from dropdown: Yes or No.

-        If Dealership wants to set its own process, set to No.

-        See Price Grid Notes.


Selling Price Override:

-        Choose from the dropdown:

o   Yes:  Can override the Price when selling the part.  The User may/may not have the rights to override.

o   No:  Cannot override the Price.


Volume Price:

-        If giving a better price if buying Parts in volume.

-        Choose from the dropdown.

-        From Sales – Parts – Administration – Volume Base Prices.


Notes Section:

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Unlimited.

-        Freeform.


Vendor Code:

-        If the Part has been added from the Master file, the Vendor will default to the first row.

-        Can add more Vendors by using the + button in the Title row or by tabbing through an existing row.

-        Manually enter the Vendor or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.


Vendor Name:

-        Defaults in from Vendor Code.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Vendor Product:

Vendor Product number.

-        If adding from the Master file, will automatically fill in. Otherwise manually enter.

-        Can be edited.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Unlimited space.

-        Freeform.



Amount the Dealer pays the Vendor for the Product.

-        Can be edited.

-        Numeric only or will receive an Error message.



-        Can delete the cost by either manually deleting or clicking the Underlined link.

-        Used on the Purchase Order under the Puom column for Cost.

-        If ordering a Part from another country, use the domestic cost of the Part, not the international.

-        If receiving from a Purchase Order, it will take the non-domestic cost, do the conversion using the exchange amount set up in the system, and enter the domestic amount.


Primary Arrow:

-        Points to the Primary Vendor for the Product.  Can be changed.  

-        P.O.’s that are generated through work orders will use the Primary Supplier. 

-        Can access the Primary by clicking on the Primary arrow.





-        Click on the Vendor Code for the new Primary Vendor.

-        Window automatically closes and the new Primary shows in the top row.


Store ID/Store Name:

-        Defaults in from Store Profile

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


On Hand:

-        Shows amount of Inventory for that Part in the store.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Inventory Location:

-        Where in the Store the Inventory is located (bin, shelf, aisle, etc.).  A physical location.

-        From Table Inventory – Parts – Administration – Inv. Location.

-        Manually enter or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.


Location Description:

-        Defaults in from Inventory Location.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Stocked Product:

-        If the Product is stocked in the Store.

-        Choose from dropdown: Yes or No.



-        Saves any new information added to the system.



-        Clears all information from the screen.

-        Any new information added that has not been submitted will be lost.

Master Parts Search:

Catalogue for different Vendors.


-        Can use the Vendor Product Number as the Product Code

-        If Vendor Part Number is known, User can manually enter in the field right of the Button.

-        If unknown, the User can click on the Button to select from the Table.

-        If a Catalogue Product Number is chosen, the following information for the Product will automatically populate in the Product Update window:

o   Product ID (cannot be overridden or will clear all information from the window)

o   Description (can be overridden)

o   Product Class (can be overridden)

o   Price (can be overridden.  Good practise to look at to make sure the prices match).

o   Vendor Code (cannot be overridden)

o   Vendor Name (cannot be overridden)

o   Vendor Product (can be overridden)

o   Cost (can be overridden.  Good practise to look at to make sure the costs match).

o   UPC Code from certain suppliers (like Coastal).

-        If the Part is already in the system, will advise it has already been added.


Print Label: 

-        Can print the Product Label from this screen




-        Can only be used if the Product has been Submitted into the system.

-        Barcode Printer: Mandatory

o   If the Printer showing is not correct, manually enter the correct Printer name or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.

-        Preview before printing:

o   If checked, can preview the label before printed.

o   If unchecked, the label will automatically print.

-        Number of Labels: Mandatory

o   Can be manually changed from the default.

-        Print Part Prices:

o   If checked, will print the Price on the label, underneath the Product Code.



o   If unchecked, the Price does not show.



-        Print:

o   Prints the number of labels specified, with the parameters selected.

o   If Preview before Printing is checked, will show the labels in a Harvest Report first and can print from the Preview.

-        Cancel:

o   Cancels the Print and closes the window.



-        Does not Delete the Product from the system but makes the Product Inactive.

Inventory – Parts – Update – Parts Kit

Two or more Parts put together to make a Kit.



-        Dealership does this, not pre-populated.

-        When assembled, although the Kit is referred to by a Part Code, it will not show an On Hand quantity in the Parts Update window.

-        On Hand refers to different parts of the Kit.

-        Creating here does not increase the Quantity of the Kit or decrease the Quantity of the Part.

-        The Parts are decreased in Part Sales when the Kit is sold.  The Kit Quantity is not affected.

-        Works differently for Work Orders as for Parts Sales.  In Work Orders, Kit quantities are decreased, not Parts.  Better to use Templates on a Work Order than add Kits.


Kit No.: Mandatory

-        Need to prefix with an ‘S’.

-        Either enter a number manually, or to bring up one already in the system, click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.

-        Alphanumeric.


-        When clicked, puts New in the field.

-        When submitted, the system will automatically assign a number for the Kit.


Description: Mandatory

-        Description of the Part.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Freeform.


Vendor Code:

-        Vendor who’s Parts make up the Kit,

-        Manually enter the Code or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.


Product Class:

-        The Class to which the Kit will belong.

-        Manually enter the Class or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.


UPC Code:

-        Dealership Code for the Kit.

-        Since the Kit is created by the Dealership, there will be no manufacturer so no Code.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Freeform.


List Price:  Mandatory if Costs are shown in Product Section.

-        For how much the Kit will be sold.


Cost Price:

-        Greyed out unless Override Cost is checked.

-        Used if the User wants to change the Cost as Totaled in the Product Section.


Override Cost:

-        Check to open the Cost Price field.


Only Tax:

-        Choose from dropdown.

Parts Kit Status:

-        Active or Inactive.


Store ID:

-        If more than one store, in which stores the Kit is stocked.


Store Name:

-        Defaults in from Store ID.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Inventory Location:

-        From Inventory – Parts – Administration – Inv. Locations.

-        Where the Kit is in the Store.


Location Description:

-        Defaults in from Inventory Location.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Stocked Product:

-        Yes or No.


Retail Product No.:

-        Lists the Parts that make up the Kit.

-        Should be two or more Parts added.

-        Enter the Part Code manually or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.

-        Tab through to add another line or use the + in the Title area.



-        Defaults in from the Product Code.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.



-        Defaults in from the Product Profile.

-        Can be edited.



-        Defaults in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.

Line Total:

-        Quantity * Cost.

-        Cannot be edited in this field.


Total Sub Cost:

-        Total amount of the Line Total.

-        Cannot be edited in this field.



-        Saves any new information to the system.



-        Clears the window of information.

-        Any new information added that has not been saved will be lost.



-        Deletes the Kit from the system.


Print Label:



-        Barcode Printer:

o   If the correct Printer is not showing, use the Underlined link to choose from the List.

-        Preview before printing:

o   Check this box if a Preview is desired before printing the Barcode.

-        Number of Labels:

o   Enter the number labels that need to be printed.

-        Print Part Prices:

o   Check if List Price is to be printed on the Label.


-        Print:

o   Prints the Label.

-        Cancel:

o   Cancels the Print job.

Part Sales


Whether they are purchased to repair or to customize, parts are an integral aspect of any dealership. Dealership’s Sales module provides a powerful automated system for selling parts and tracking customer information.  Selling a part deals with selling regularly stocked parts to customers, while Special Order are used to place an order on a less common part.


Sales – Parts – Parts Sales





Salesperson must be listed in the Salesperson Table (System Admin – Configurations – Tables – Salesperson – Update).

-        Does not have to be the Login ID.

-        Mandatory or cannot Submit the Sale.

-        If not listed will receive an error.



New Sale:

-        Used to start a New Sale.

-        Will clear the information from the previous Sale entered.


Parked Sale:

-        Bring up Parked Sales saved in the system.


Customer ID:

-        Type in the Customer ID, if known.

-        Can click the Underlined Link to show all Customers saved in the system.

-        If the Customer is not in the system, can be added here using the Add Button (See notes on Customer Update).

-        Once a Customer has been entered, the system will automatically fill in the Customer´s name and address, Main Tax, Discount, Credit Limit (if On Account and a Credit Limit has been entered), and Account Balance.

-        CASH is used if not keeping track of the sale for future use.

-        If the Customer has a Special Order in the system, a pop up will appear to advice of this. 

-        If the Customer is not picking up the Special Order, click Close and proceed.

-        If the Customer is picking up the Special Order, see the notes on Special Order.

-        The Customer´s Funds Code must match the Store´s Funds Code or an Error warning will appear.



o   Another pop up will appear:



Status #:

-        Indicates Indian Status.  Tax exempt number is put here.

-        Disappears when any ID other than CASH is entered.

-        Freeform.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Unlimited space.


Main Tax:

-        Populates automatically from the Customer ID, if set up on the Customer Profile.



-        User must have the Permission to give discounts in the System Admin à Security à Users Tab.

-        Populates automatically from the Customer ID if set up on the Profile.

-        Can be overridden.

-        If no Discount appears, one can be entered.

-        Must be Numeric or an Error warning appears.



-        Cannot be greater than 100 or an Error warning appears.



-        Cannot be less than 0 or an Error warning appears.



PO No:

-        If the sale is attached to a PO, enter the number here.

-        Freeform.

-        If the Customer is listed as and paying On Account and Require PO is set to Yes on his Profile, a PO number must be entered.  Will receive an Error warning if not.



Credit Limit:

-        Automatically populates if the Customer is On Account and a Credit Limit has been set.

-        Not an Active Field.


Acct. Balance:

-        Automatically populates.

-        Not an Active field.

View Details:

-        Shows all Outstanding Invoices, Invoices and Invoice Payments associated with this Customer.



-        Manually enter the Product number or click the Underlined link and choose from the Table.

-        If the Customer is buying more than one Product, click the + square to add another line.

-        If there is no Inventory on hand for the Product, or is in the negative, an Error warning appears.




-        Automatically populates from the Product Profile.

-        Tailored to Customers Pricing Level.

-        Can be overridden.

-        Must be Numeric or an Error warning appears.



-        Must be 0 or a positive number or an Error warning appears.




-        Populates automatically from the Product Profile.

-        Can be overridden.

-        Can be positive, negative, or zero.

-        If a Product is being returned, put in the negative number of products being returned.


Product Description:

-        Automatically populates from the Product Profile.

-        Can be overridden.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Unlimited space.



-        Discount Percentage.

-        Populates from the Customer Profile.

-        Can be overridden (see notes above).



-        Populates from the Product Profile.

-        Clicking on the Underlined TX Title shows all Tax possibilities.



-        Type in the Tax Code, if known, or use the link to choose one from the Table.

-        If proper Tax Code is not showing, must be added to the Tax Table (System Admin – Configuration – Tables – Tax – Codes) and then added to the Product Profile.


Product Extension:

-        Price * Quantity.

-        Cannot be overridden in this field.


Park Sale:

-        If the Customer has to leave the desk for whatever reason, the sale can be parked to be brought up again at a later date.

-        All information already added for the customer will not be lost.


Del Parked:

-        If the Parked Sale needs to be deleted for some reason, it can be deleted.

-        A pop up will appear of all the Parked Sales.


-        Click the light green Transaction Number.  A pop up will appear.



-        Click the appropriate button.  If Yes another pop up will appear.     image028.png


-        Click OK to return to the original window.




Payment Code/ Payment Description:

-        A list of the different types of payment.

-        If the Payment Type is not shown can be added in the Payment Table (Finance – Receivables – Administration – Payment Forms).

-        On Account shows only if On Account is activated on the Customer Profile.

-        A Salesperson or a new Customer ID must be entered for these Payment Codes to appear, or click in the Customer ID field if showing CASH .


Payment Amount:

-        Payment can be split between different payment types.

-        Type in the amount and it is automatically subtracted from the Balance.

-        If it is a CASH Customer, CASH only can to be used.

-        If not splitting the cost between different payment types, highlight the 0.00 and type 0.  This will automatically put in the Invoice Balance.


Tax Codes/ Tax Codes Amounts:

-        Populates automatically from the Product section of the Invoice.

-        Automatically calculates the different Tax types and list each type separately.

-        Products with the same Tax type will be calculated together.

Sales Total:

-        Net Total + Taxes


Payment Total:

-        Amount paid from the Payment Amount Table.


Invoice Balance:

-        Sales Total – Total Payment Amount



-        Sales Total - Total Payment Amount



-        Click this button when the Invoice is finished and the Customer has paid.

-        Payment Total must be greater than or equal to Sales Total in order to Submit.

-        Salesperson must be entered.


Wide Receipt:

-        When this is checked, the Order will print in an 8 _ x 11“ format.

-        If not checked, will print in Receipt size.



-        Clears the screen of all entered information.



-        Reprints the receipt.


Putting a Credit on a Customer’s Account


-        On Customer Profile, On Account must be set to Yes.


Payment Amount:

-        Put the amount to be credited in the correct Payment Code row(s) (Cash, Visa, cheque, etc.).

-        On Account:  Enter the negative combined amount as showing in Invoice Balance.



-        Invoice Balance  must be  0.00.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Inventory – Parts – Update – On Hand Adjustment




Product Number:

-        Type in the Product Number, if known.

-        If unknown, click the Underlined Link and choose from the Table.

-        If an incorrect Product Number is entered, an Error warning will appear:


-        If a partial number is entered, the system will offer suggestions on possible alternatives.




-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.



-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Stocking UOM:

-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Purchasing UOM:

-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Stock to Purch. Ratio:

-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Purchasing UOM Cost:

-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.



-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Replacement Cost:

-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Purchasing UOM Average Cost:

-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Average Cost:

-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        Cannot be edited in this window.


Quantity On Hand:

-        Automatically fills in from the Product Profile.

-        This field cannot be edited in this window.


New On Hand:

-        Freeform.

-        Must not be alpha or an Error warning appears.



-        Can be a negative, 0 or positive number.


Adjustment Date:

-        Defaults to Today’s Date.

-        Can be changed by either manually entering the Date or clicking the Calendar icon and choosing a Date from the pop up.

-        Can be any Date in the past, present or future.

-        A Date must be entered or will receive an Error warning:




-        Type in the Location, if known.

-        If unknown, click the Underlined Link and choose from the Table.

-        If the Location wanted is not showing, can be added in  Inventory – Parts – Administration – Inv. Locations.

-        Not Mandatory.

-        Shows where the Product is located in the store.

-        If a Location is showing, can be changed to another Location.

-        If an incorrect Location is entered, will receive an Error warning and Location reverts to original Location, if one was entered:



Post to G/L:

-        Make sure this is checked.

-        Will create G/L Transaction once submitted.



-        Can add Comments to the Adjustment.

-        Freehand.

-        Alphanumeric.

-        Unlimited space.

-        Additional lines can be added by clicking the + box in the Title.



-        Submits the entry.

-        Updates the G/L if Post to G/L was checked.

-        Updates the Inventory of the Product entered.



-        Clears the screen.


















Sales – Parts – Special Orders


Sometimes, a customer may request a part that your dealership does not normally stock. When this occurs, you may need to place a special order with one of your vendors. Dealership integrates these functions with the sale of parts to help you keep track of special orders and ensure that each customer receives the parts they need.