Accessing Online Documentation
Accessing Online Documentation
1. Go to
2. From the top menu bar, select [Support].
3. From the left hand column, click on the Software Customers Only icon.
4. A prompt will appear asking for your Username and Password.
· In the Username field, enter .
· In the Password field, enter 1455FOO.
5. From the Customers Only menu on the left hand side, select [Documentation].
6. Under the Dealership heading, click on the desired link to view the documentation. To view all of the documentation, click on Complete Training Manual. To view documentation for a specific module, click on the corresponding link.
Author: Pear Tree
Last update: 2016-12-21 15:15
Finance – Payables – Update – AP Invoice
Quick Pay:
Examples of Invoices
Finance – Payables – Update – AP Cheque
Finance – Payables – Update – AP to AR
Inquiries and Reports
Finance – Payables – Inquiry – AP Invoice
Finance – Payables – Inquiry – AP Cheques
Finance – Payables – Reports – Aged Payables
Finance – Payables – Update – AP Invoice
Generally an invoice is recorded in A/P to pay for expenses, inventory or other amounts owed by the company excluding payroll.

- A Payable can be changed before any payment has been made, either partial or full.
- If for a Part, make sure a GL Inventory Account is attached.
Payable No:
- Added by the system when Invoice is submitted.
- If entering manually, must be an Invoice already submitted in the system or will receive an Error message:

- Numeric only.
- Can click on the Underlined link. A Table will appear with all Payables entered in the system. Click in the light green area under Payable Number to bring up the appropriate invoice.
Vendor Code: Mandatory
- Cursor automatically defaults to this field when screen is opened.
- Can either type in the Vendor ID from Vendor Update Profile or click on the Underlined link. A Table will appear with all Vendors entered in the system. Click in the light green area under Vendor Code to bring up the appropriate vendor.
Quick Pay:

- Name and Address:
o Text box appears when button is clicked.
o Allows the system to create a cheque and Invoice in one screen without putting in a Vendor Code.
o Can only pay one Invoice at a time.
o Enter the name and the address of the Vendor.
o Alphanumeric.
o Freeform.
o Unlimited space.
o Enter Key is enabled.
- Correct accounts need to be set up in the system.
- Two transactions occur, one for the Invoice and another for the cheque.
- Once Submitted, a Cheque Print Button will appear. Click to print the cheque.
- Cheque can be cancelled. This will cancel the Invoice associated with it.
Invoice No: Mandatory
- Enter the number on the Invoice.
- System checks to make sure there is not already an Invoice with that number for the Vendor.
- If there is the system will bring up that Invoice, not create a new one with a duplicate number.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Invoice Date: Mandatory
- The date on the Invoice when received.
- Can be added manually or through the Calendar icon.
- Format will be MM/dd/YY.
Due Date: Mandatory
- Will automatically fill in a month from the Invoice Date.
- Auto calculates from the Due Days specified on the Vendor’s Profile.
- If Due Days have not been specified on the profile defaults from the Store Parameters.
- Can be changed manually or through the Calendar icon.
- Format will be MM/dd/YY.
PO Number:
- Reference only.
- Can enter the PO # issued to the Vendor.
- Not linked to anything.
Tax Code:
- Defaults from the Vendor Profile.
- Can be changed by using the dropdown.
- For prompt payments.
- Deducted from the cheque not the Invoice.
- Percentage:
o Enter amount manually.
o Cannot be a negative value or will receive an Error message.

o Cannot be over 100 or will receive an Error message.

- Date:
o If the Percentage is not 00, the current date will be entered by default.
o Can be changed manually or with the calendar icon.
- Total (Overridden):
o Amount defaults in from the Percentage.
o Can only be edited if Overridden is enabled.
o Freeform.
o Must be a valid number or will receive an Error message.

Exch. Rate:
- If the Funds Code is not a domestic currency, this field will appear.
- Rate can be overridden from this screen, if needed.
- Do not need to update the Rate Table.
Line Amount:
- Amount before taxes.
- Numeric only or will receive an Error message.

- Positive, negative, or 0.00.
- Manually entered.
Gross Amt:
- Line Amount + Taxes
- Automatically calculates.
- To edit, click on the light green area. A pop up box will appear. A new Gross Amount can be entered.
- The Line Amount will recalculate to account for Taxes.
Line Description:
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Unlimited Space.
GL Account: Mandatory
- May automatically default in when the Line Amount is entered, based on the Vendor.
- Comes from Vendor Profile.
- Can be changed.
- Can manually type in the correct account or click on the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
- Can add multiple lines if multiple GL accounts are involved.
GL Description:
- Defaults from the GL Account.
- Cannot be edited from this field.
- Alphanumeric.
- Unlimited.
- Freeform.
- Allows the User to override the Tax Amount.
- Checked allows the Tax to be overridden.
- Unchecked, the Tax cannot be overridden.
Tax Codes:
- Comes from the Tax Code dropdown in the upper section of the window.
- Cannot be overridden in this field.
Tax Amounts:
- Line Amount * Tax Amount (from the Tax Code).
- Cannot be changed if Overridden is not enabled.
- A Warning message will appear if try to change without checking the Overridden box.

- Invoice Total will change if Tax Amounts is overridden.
- Line Amount and Gross Amt do not change.
- Submits the new information to the system.
- Generates an Invoice number in the Payable No field if creating from NEW.
- Clears all information from the screen.
- If any new information has not been submitted, it will be lost.
Examples of Invoices
Flooring Invoice:
Vendor Code:
- Flooring Vendor (General Electric, a certain Bank, etc.).
Invoice No.
- Manually enter.
- Unit ID can be used.
Invoice Date:
- Manually enter or use Calendar icon.
Line Amount:
- Enter amount of Unit.
GL Account:
- Unit Inventory Account.
Unit Costs:
- Unit ID:
o Enter Unit.
- Base Cost:
o Enter cost for Unit – Line Amount entered on previous screen.
- Submit
Freight Invoice:
Vendor Code:
- Freight Company.
Invoice No.
- Manually enter.
- Unit ID can be used.
Invoice Date:
- Manually enter or use Calendar icon.
Line Amount:
- Enter Freight amount.
GL Account:
- Unit Inventory Account.
Unit Costs:
- Unit ID:
o Enter Unit.
- Cost Code:
o Enter freight cost for Unit – Line Amount entered on previous screen.
- Submit
Finance – Payables – Update – AP Cheque

Cheque Number:
- Manually enter an existing cheque number to bring up a created cheque to look at, void or cancel, or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- If the cheque was a Quick Pay cheque, will give a Warning message.

- Create a new cheque by entering a cheque number from a box of cheques, OR
Click New to generate the next cheque number.
- Make sure the cheque number shown matches the pre-printed number on the next cheque to be used.
Next Cheque No.:
- If either New or a manually entered number is selected, will show Waiting for Bank Code Selection:
- If selecting an already created cheque number, this field will be blank.
- If filling in the Vendor Code without entering a Cheque Number, will show the next cheque available.
Vendor Code:
- For whom the cheque is to be made.
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Bank Code:
- The Bank from which the cheque is to be written.
- Will fill in automatically from the Vendor.
- Use dropdown if need to choose another Bank.
Cheque Date:
- Defaults to the current date.
- Can be manually changed by entering the date or by using the Calendar icon.
- Can be pre- or post- dated.
Cheque Total:
- The total of all payment amounts chosen.
- Will show the total of all Pay Amounts when the Vendor Code is first entered.
Outstanding Balance:
- The total Amount owing minus the Pay Amount chosen.
On or Before Due Date:
- Defaults to current date.
- Can be changed by manually entering the new date or using the Calendar icon.
- Can change to a future date to show what is to be paid up to that date as well. This could bring up more Payables.
- If changing to a former date, will remove Payables not yet due by the date entered.
Cheque MICR#:
- Pre-printed on the cheque.
- Make sure matches number on the cheque.
Payable No.
- Clicking the Underlined link shows all future Payables available for the Vendor.
- If there are more Payables, add another line to the list before adding extra Payables. Otherwise the new Payable will replace the Payable on the line showing.
- If there are no more Payables a pop up box will appear.

- To remove Payables not needed to be paid in this cheque run, click the x on that row.
Pay Amount:
- Lists the full amount owing for each Payable.
- Can be changed by manually entering the amount to be paid on the Payable.
- If paying more than listed a Warning will appear.

- Clicking the Underlined link removes the amounts from the rows.
- Clicking Reload List adds the amounts again.
Reload List:
- If anything has been changed, reloads all Payables matching the Search Parameters.
Clear List:
- Clears the Payables list.
- If too many Payables match the Search parameters, and only need to pay a few, instead of deleting all the rows not needed, click this button.
- Click the Underlined link to Payables No. and choose only the Payables needed from the Table.
- Prepares the cheque.
- Clears the window of all information.
Void Cheque:
- Voids the given cheque.
- Re-opens the Payable(s) attached to the cheque.
- Cannot be voided if already cashed.
- Prints the cheque.
- Allows the User to choose a Printer to print the cheques.

- From the Printer settings, need to choose Actual Sized.

Print History:
- Shows a history for the cheque showing: prints, voids, reprints, etc.
- Click on the field under Harvest Report PDF to show the actual cheque.

Finance – Payables – Update – AP to AR

Vendor ID:
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- If the Vendor does not have any outstanding balances, an Error message will appear.

- Automatically fills in if the Vendor is set up as a Manufacturer.
- If nothing defaults in, need to set the Vendor up as a Customer.
- Does not need to be a Manufacturer.
- If Vendor does not have a Customer Profile, can add here.
- Fill in as in Customer Update. All fields with an * are mandatory.
- Submit.
Outstanding Invoices
- A list of AP invoices.
- Click on each Invoice No. to be added to the Transfer List.
- Can be a credit as well as a debit.
- Will automatically show under Items to Transfer To Payables.
Items to Transfer To Receivables
Payable No.:
- Cannot add a line here.
- Added from the Outstanding Invoices section.
- Can delete a line using the x at the front if needed.
Transfer Amount:
- Shows full amount of the Payable Balance.
- Can be overridden.
- Transfers the balances to AR.
Inquiries and Reports
Finance – Payables – Inquiry – AP Invoice

Vendor Code:
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Payable Number:
- Must be a Payable number in the system or will receive an Error message.

- Enter manually.
- Clears the screen of information.
Print Activity:
- Creates a Summary Report of the Vendor’s activities in the system.
Outstanding Invoices
Payable No.:
- Shows all outstanding invoices.
- Drill down for further details on the Payable.
Invoice No./Invoice Date/Due Date/Invoice Total/Total Paid/Invoice Balance:
- Defaults in from the Payable.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Paid Invoices
Paid Payable:
- What Payables have been fully paid.
- Drill down for further details on the Payable.
Invoice No./Invoice Date/Invoice Total/Paid Date:
- Defaults in from the Payable.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Year/Total Paid:
- Defaults in from the Payable.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Item #:
- What Payments have been made.
- Drill down for further details on the Payments.
Pay Date/Pay Amount/Date Cashed/Void Date/Source:
- Defaults in from other windows.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Finance – Payables – Inquiry – AP Cheques

Vendor Code:
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Cheque No.:
- If the Cheque Number is known, enter here to bring up the details of only that cheque.
- Will show the list of Payables associated with that cheque.

- Clicking the Payable No. in the pop up will show the AP Invoice.
Outstanding Cheques
- Shows all the un-reconciled cheques for the Vendor.
- Clicking on the field under Cheque No. will bring up the Payables attached to that cheque.
- Further information can be gained by clicking on the Payable No. or GL Transaction No. in the pop up.
All Cheques:
- Shows reconciled, un-reconciled and voided cheques.
Finance – Payables – Reports – Aged Payables
Used to balance the General Ledger.

Outstanding As At Date:
- Defaults to the next Month End Date.
- Must be a Month End Date or will receive a Warning.

- Can change to a previous Month End Date by manually entering or using the Calendar icon to choose a Date.
- Will only show Payables up to the entered Month End.
Summary or Detail:
- Choose between Detail or Summary.
- Defaults to Detail Aged Report.
AP Code:
- Different Payable Codes in the system: Canadian AP, Floor Financing, US AP, etc..
- Choose from dropdown.
- If nothing chosen will print all Invoices grouped by Currency.
Calculate Aging using…:
- Defaults to Due Date.
- Choose between Due Date and Invoice Date.
Convert Foreign Funds To Domestic:
- Check to have all Funds showing in the domestic currency.
- Currency will be calculated based on the Exchange Rate in the system.
- The Funds Code will still show as the foreign currency Code.
- Prints the Report based on the Search Parameters chosen.
- Shows Vendors alphabetically on the Report.
To Excel:
- Send the report to an Excel spreadsheet.
- Resets the window to the Default settings.
Author: Pear Tree
Last update: 2016-12-21 15:15
Finance – Payables – Administration – Payables Codes
Finance – Payables – Administration – Bank Codes
General Ledger Account Numbers
Finance – Payables – Administration – Funds Codes
Finance – Payables – Administration – Payables Codes

Payables Code:
- Manually enter the Code to be added.
- If the Code is already saved in the system, manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Payables Description:
- Enter a description of the Code.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Bank Code:
- From Finance – Payables – Administration – Bank Codes.
- Choose the appropriate Bank from the dropdown.
- Default Bank set up for Vendors.
- Can be overridden on the Vendor’s Profile.
Payables GL Account:
- Liability Account.
- Accounts Payable Control Account.
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Exchange GL Account:
- If the Bank is a foreign Bank with a foreign currency.
- Liability Account.
- Not a Control Account.
- The system will look at the current exchange rate, covert to domestic currency and put the difference in this account.
Discount GL Account:
- If giving a discount to a Vendor for paying early, the difference between the amount of the Payable and the amount actually paid.
- Expense Account.
Finance – Payables – Administration – Bank Codes

Bank Code: Mandatory
- Set up for every Bank the Dealership deals with.
- Can also set up for Credit Cards.
- If adding Credit Cards here, do not set up AP Codes.
- If adding, manually enter the code.
- If bringing up a Code already in the system, manually enter or click on the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
- Name of the Bank.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Bank Address:
- Address of the Bank.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Bank Number:
- Number of the Bank.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Transit Number:
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Bank Account:
- Bank Account to be used.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Funds Code:
- From Finance – Payables – Administration – Funds Codes.
- Choose from dropdown.
General Ledger Account Numbers
Bank Deposit GL Account: Mandatory
- Actual Bank Account.
- Used to balance Bank Statement.
- Account used when paying the Vendor.
- Account used when doing a Bank Deposit.
- Account used for Direct Deposit – payment from a customer.
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Bank Exchange GL Account:
- If a foreign currency.
- Exchange account to be used.
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Currency Variance GL Account:
- Used if the Exchange Rate has changed from the time the Invoice was entered in the system to the time it was paid.
- Reverses the Invoice, reverses the original Exchange Rate, enters in Payables as the current Exchange Rate and amount. This is the difference between the two.
- If a foreign currency.
- Variance account to be used.
- Liability or Expense account.
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Bank Clearing GL Account:
- Un-deposited Funds.
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Cheque Number Prefix:
- Used of there is more than one Bank Code.
- Prefix added before the cheque number.
- Used if there is a possibility the cheques may cross.
- Cannot have two cheques with the same number in the system.
- Letter only or will receive an Error message.

Next Cheque No:
- Next cheque to be printed in the system.
- Can be edited.
- Numeric only or will receive an Error message.

Print MICR Number:
- Number pre-printed on the cheque.
- Banks go by MICR Number not cheque number.
- Enable to Print.
AP Cheque Template:
- Specifies the format.
- Three choices: Top, Middle or Bottom.
- Three sections: Two Receipt stubs and a cashable cheque.
- Determines where the cashable cheque prints on the 8 _ x 11” sized paper.
- Choose from dropdown.
Payroll Cheque Template:
- Three choices: Top, Middle or Bottom.
- Choose from dropdown.
Finance – Payables – Administration – Funds Codes

Funds Code:
- Code needs to be set up for every currency to be used in the system.
- If adding, manually enter the code.
- If bringing up a Code already in the system, manually enter or click on the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
Funds Description:
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
- Unlimited.
Domestic To Foreign Exchange Rate:
- If Domestic Currency, enter 1.00.
- If not Domestic currency, enter to exchange rate for this particular currency.
Foreign To Domestic Exchange Rate:
- System automatically calculates using the Domestic To Foreign Exchange Rate.
Domestic Currency:
- Must specify which currency is domestic.
Author: Pear Tree
Last update: 2016-11-10 15:47
Finance – Receivables – Update – Invoice
Finance – Receivables – Update – Payments
Finance – Receivables – Update – AR to AP
Finances – Receivables – Update – Collections
Finance – Receivables – Inquiry – Receivables
Invoice Payment
Finance – Receivables – Reports – Aged Receivables
Finance – Receivables – Reports – Cust. Reports – Cust. Stmt
Finance – Receivables – Update – Invoice
- Updates Accounts Receivable and General Ledger only.
- Used for loading open Invoices when starting to use Peartree Dealership. Also used for Miscellaneous invoices and manufacturer rebates.
- Most invoices are created elsewhere: Part Sales, Work Orders, Finalize Unit Sale.

Invoice No.:
- Automatically defaults to NEW.
- To bring up an Invoice already in the system, manually enter the Invoice No or click the Underlined link to choose form the Table.
- If the Invoice ends in .1, the Invoice has been Cancelled.
- Cannot assign own Invoice number.
Ship To:
- Customer.
- If creating a new Invoice, enter the Customer ID or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Invoice Date:
- Defaults to the current date.
- Can be changed by manually entering the new date.
Tax Code:
- On clear window, defaults to the Tax Code set in the Store Parameters.
- Once a customer is added, will use the Code set up on the Customer’s Profile.
- Can be changed by choosing a new Code from the dropdown.
- When loading Opening Balances, change to Tax Exempt.
Purchase Order #:
- Enter if the PO Number is known.
- Not used.
- Usually 1 or -1 for a credit.
- Unit of Measure: Each, box, etc.
- From System Admin –Configurations - Tables – UOM.
- Optional.
- Can be anything.
- Not connected to Parts or Unit Inventory.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
- Prints on invoice
- Description of the Product.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
- Prints on invoice
- Numeric only or will receive an Error message,

- Tax.
- From Customer Profile.
- Can change by either entering another code or clicking the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Sales GL Account:
- No defaults.
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- Usually an Income account.
Sales GL Description:
- From the Sales account.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
- Quantity * Price.
- Cannot be edited in this field.
Net Total:
- All Extensions added together.
Tax Codes/Tax Amounts:
- Shows the different types of Taxes used.
- The total amount of each different tax type.
Tax Total:
- Total of all the different taxes added together.
Invoice Total:
- Net Total + Tax Total.
- Shows on the Invoice.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
- Saves the invoice to the system.
- Clears the information from the screen.
- Any new information added and not submitted is lost.
Cancel Invoice:
- Cancels the Invoice.
- Prints invoice.
Unit Rebates:

- Used to put a Rebate on a Unit, which reduces the cost.
- If entering a Rebate, the Sales GL account must be the unit inventory account linked to the unit
- Unit ID:
o Manually enter the Unit or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- Unit Description:
o Defaults in from the Unit ID.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Dealer Price:
o Defaults in from the Unit Profile.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Rebate Code:
o Manually enter the Code or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
o From Sales – Administration – Sales Rebate.
- Rebate Amount:
o Amount on the Invoice.
o Manually enter the amount.
o Numeric only or will receive an Error message.

- Rebate Description:
o Manually enter.
o Alphanumeric.
o Freeform.
- Close:
o Closes the window.
- Saves the changes made in the Rebate window.
Finance – Receivables – Update – Payments

- Use to enter payments in foreign funds.
- Can be used to enter payments in domestic funds.
Customer ID:
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- If the customer has no Invoices will receive a Warning message.

Payment Date:
- Defaults to the current date.
- Can be changed by manually entering the date or using the Calendar icon.
Payment Form:
- How the Payment is made: Cheque, Credit Card, etc.
- Defaults in from a Table.
- Can change by choosing from the dropdown.
- Description of the Payment.
- Could be the cheque number.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Total Owing:
- Amount Customer owes.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
- Amount reduces with each Payment flagged.
Total Payments:
- How much has been paid.
- When finished should equal the payment amount received.
- As each row is flagged for payment, the amount will increase.
Lump Sum Payment:
- If the customer makes a payment with no instructions on which invoice to put towards, the amount can be entered here.
- Click Apply.
- Payments will be made to all eligible Invoices from the first row down, till the amount is used.
Clear List:
- Clears all Invoices from the Payment section.
- If there are a large amount of Invoices, instead of flagging individual invoices, can clear all the Invoices, click the Invoice No. link and choose from the Table which to add.
Reload List:
- Reloads all Invoices into the Payment section.
Invoice No.:
- Shows all Invoices for the customer, including ones with 0.00 Balance.
- Manually enter the Payment amounts for each line or click the Underlined link to fill in all Payments automatically.
- If any rows are not to be paid, delete the Payment amount for that Invoice.
Pay Flag:
- Click this field to make payment on the Invoice.
- The full amount appears in the Payment field. This amount can be changed.
- Saves the payments to the system.
- Clears the screen.
- Any Payments that have been flagged but not Submitted will be lost.
Finance – Receivables – Update – AR to AP

- Contras.
Customer ID:
- Manually enter the Customer or click the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
AP Vendor:
- Automatically fills in if the Customer is set up as a Manufacturer.
- If nothing defaults in, need to set the Customer up as a Vendor.
- Does not need to be a Manufacturer.
Add Vendor:
- If Customer does not have a Vendor Profile, can add here.
- Fill in as in Vendor Update. All fields with an * are mandatory.
- Submit.
Outstanding Invoices
- A list of AR invoices.
- Click on each Invoice No. to be added to the Transfer List.
- Can be a credit as well as a debit.
- When transferred to AP, no longer a credit (Finance – Payables – Inquiry – AP Invoice).
- Will automatically show under Items to Transfer To Payables.
Items to Transfer To Payables
Invoice No.:
- Cannot add a line here.
- Added from the Outstanding Invoices section.
- Can delete a line using the x at the front if needed.
Transfer Amount:
- Shows full amount of the Invoice Balance.
- Can be overridden.
- Transfers the balances to AP.
Finances – Receivables – Update – Collections

Show only invoices older than Days: Mandatory
- Manually enter a number.
- If Submitted with no number entered will receive an Error message.

- Must be numeric or will receive an Error message.

- Click Submit and all customers fitting the criteria will appear in the Customer section.
Customer Name:
- Choose a Customer from the list by clicking on the light green field with that name.
- A pop up will appear with the customers invoices and aged balances.
- Will also show the Contact information if it has been added on the Customer Profile.

- Add Comments:

o Another pop up appears.
o Can phone the customer and make notes here during or after the conversation.
- Submit:
o Saves the comments to the system.
- View Comments:
o Shows any comments already in the system for the customer.
o Cannot be edited.
o If no comments have been added for this customer will receive a message.

Finance – Receivables – Inquiry – Receivables

Customer ID:
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
AR Invoice No.:
- If Customer is unknown, can enter just the Invoice Number.
- If known, enter the Invoice Number to look at that Invoice only.
- A pop up will appear with the Invoice details.
Print Statement:

- Can Print as of a certain Date.
- Can run by Due Date or Invoice Date.
- Has an Overdue Column (OVD) so can see at a glance what Invoices are overdue.
- Aged Balances show at the bottom of the report.
Print Activity:
- Shows all activities for the customer: Invoices, Payments, and Deposits.
- It is a running balance.
Outstanding Invoices
- Can click on any of the Header Titles to re-organize the column, either in Ascending or Descending order.
Invoice No.:
- Shows all Outstanding Invoices for that Customer.
- Can click in the Invoice No. field to bring up that particular Invoice for more information.
o GL Transactions if Invoice has not been reversed. Can drill down to see the accounts.
o Tax ID,
o Tax Codes.
o Payment Key.
o Amounts paid and Pay Dates.
- Can print the Invoice from the pop up.
- In the lower section of the window, will show if any payments have been made towards the Invoice.
All Invoices
- Can click on any of the Header Titles to re-organize the column, either in Ascending or Descending order.
Invoice No.:
- Shows all Outstanding Invoices for that Customer.
- Can click in the Invoice No. field to bring up that particular Invoice for more information.
o GL Transactions if Invoice has not been reversed. Can drill down to see the accounts.
o Tax ID,
o Tax Codes.
o Payment Key.
o Amounts paid and Pay Dates.
- Can print the Invoice from the pop up.
- In the lower section of the window, will show if any payments have been made towards the Invoice.
Invoice Payment
AR Invoice No,:
- If an Invoice in either of the Top Sections is chosen, the Invoice Number will show here.
View Invoice:
- Will show more information about the Invoice:
o GL Transactions if Invoice has not been reversed. Can drill down to see the accounts.
o Tax ID,
o Tax Codes.
o Payment Key.
o Amounts paid and Pay Dates.
- Can print the Invoice.
Payment Date:
- The Date the Payment was made.
- Can click on the field to show more information.
Finance – Receivables – Inquiry – AR Payments
Shows Payments a Customer has made, as well as Write offs, Bad debts, etc. Any payment made in the system.

Customer ID:
- Manually enter or click the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
Accounts Receivable Invoice Payments
Payment No.:
- Can click on a field to show attached Invoices in the lower section of the window.
Accounts Receivable Invoices
Payment No.:
- The payment number of the Invoices showing below.
Invoice No.:
- Shows all Invoices for the Payment No. chosen..
- Can click in the Invoice No. field to bring up that particular Invoice for more information.
o GL Transactions if Invoice has not been reversed. Can drill down to see the accounts.
o Tax ID,
o Tax Codes.
o Payment Key.
o Amounts paid and Pay Dates.
- Can print the Invoice from the pop up.
- In the lower section of the window, will show if any payments have been made towards the Invoice.
Finance – Receivables – Reports – Aged Receivables
Used to balance the General Ledger.

Outstanding As At Date:
- Defaults to the next Month End Date.
- Must be a Month End Date or will receive a Warning.