Pear Tree
2016-11-10 15:47


Logging In

Navigating Menus

Top Menu Items

Side Menu Items



Common Buttons

Adobe Features:



Logging In


1.      Double click on the Peartree Icon on your desktop,



2.     A pop up box will appear.


-        Type in your Login Name used when logging into your computer.

-        Type in your Password used when logging into your computer.

-        Do not check Remember my credentials. This is for securityreasons.

Navigating Menus


Different Users will have Menu items on the top and side of the screen, depending on what Permissions have been allowed for your login.  Generally this depends on your role in the dealership.


Top Menu Items


1.      To use the Menu items on the top of the Window, simply put your cursor on the Title.  Do not click on the Mouse.  The different Menu items will appear.



2.     If the Menu item has a sub-menu, you will see a white arrow to the right of the item.  Once again place your curser on the title and more window options will show.



-        The menu item with the cursor will show in white.

-        If there are more windows, you will see arrows to the right of the window title.

-        If there are no more windows for a section, there will not be an arrow to the right.


3.      To go further, place your cursor again over the window item with an arrow to see the next set of options.



4.      Keep selecting submenus until you have reached the window you wish to open.  This window will not have an arrow to the right of the title.



-        Click on this submenu to open the window.


Side Menu Items


-        To use the Menu items on the side of the Window, simply put your cursor on the Title.  

-        The Menu title will be highlighted in Green.



-        Left-clicking on the highlighted title will open the window.



If you are finding a familiar function of Peartree does not seem to be working normally or if you have other questions about a module or process that is not functioning normally, please call our support desk at 1-877-862-7327.  

Many clients have had questions regarding processes, functions and features of Peartree and may not find the help suitable for in depth learning.  It is designed as a refresher and for some advanced individuals a training document.  It is recommended that you contact the training department to set up an individualized training session or two designed specifically for your needs.

When accessing the On Line Help Menu there are several features.

-        Multiple levels.

-        Keep clicking on the Blue Book until you reach the window desired or use the search option on the top right side.




-        Blue Book: image011.png

o   Has Sub-menus.

-        Open Book: image012.png

o   Menu opened to sub-menus.

-        Question Mark: image013.png

o   Bottom level of menu.

o   Information for the window now displayed.



There are a number of standards in the system that are available to easily access data or perform


1.     Underlined titles:  

-        Clicking on any Underlined title will bring up a Table, from which you can choose.  





2.     Dropdown arrow:

-        Some fields use a dropdown to see all choices that are available for that field. 



-        New options can be added from another screen.


3.     Tables with  +, > and x symbols.

-        Add, Insert or Delete a row.



-        +:  Add a row to the Table.


-        >:  Insert a row between two rows on the Tabel.





-        X:  Delete that row from the Table.





-        Tabbing through the bottom row will also add a new row below it.


Common Buttons


image023.png image024.png



-        Submits and saves any new or updated information to the system.



-        Clears the screen.

-        If any new information has not been submitted it will be lost.



-        Deletes all entered information from the system.

-        Some information may not Delete if other tables/windows have been connected to the window.

-        A warning will appear if this is the case.


-        Always Previews before Printing.

-        Uses Adobe Reader (pdf).

-        For a Report, leave all fields Blank in order to pull all data from the system.


Adobe Features:





image026.png Save

-        Save the Report/Window to a pdf file.

-        Can be attached to an e-mail.


image027.png Print:

-        Prints the page(s).

-        Can select the Printer, if it not the Default.


image028.png Scroll Buttons:

-        If more than one page, can scroll up and down.


image029.png Zoom Out:

-        Makes Preview smaller so more information can be seen.


image030.png Zoom In:

-        Enlarges the page on the screen.


image031.png Adobe Toolbar:

-        Adds the Adobe Toolbar to the screen.

-        Buttons vary depending on what the User has specified.


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