Units Module
A Unit is anything that has a Serial Number or can be repaired. Anything else is a Part.
Managing your unit inventory is easy with Dealership. Easy-to-use data entry screens allow you to enter as much or as little information as you want. Search functions ensure that you find what you need quickly and painlessly. A powerful inquiry system makes a library of information on every unit, from financial details to colour and year, available at your fingertips.
Inventory – Units – Update – Update (Tabbed)
The Units Update screen is where you will be adding, updating, and deleting your unit inventory records.
You will notice that some fields have an asterisk (*) next to them. This means that the field is mandatory and must be filled out, as Dealership depends on them for several functions in the program. As typical, some headings are underlined (e.g. Unit ID). You can click on these to search for the information that belongs in these fields.
General Tab
Unit ID: Mandatory
- Clicking the Underlined Link will show a Table with all the Units already in the system.
- To bring up a Unit already in the system, the User can either choose a Unit from the Table, or type in the Unit ID Code if it is known.
- If the User is entering a New Unit:
o Can type in a Unique Unit ID Code.
o Can click the New Button. The system will create a Unique ID for the new Unit. The Code will start with a I and will be the next sequential number in the system. For example, if the last Unit added using the New Button was # I45, the next Unit submitted will be I46.
- Alphanumeric.
Category: Mandatory
- Dropdown.
- Comes from the Unit Category Table (PTS – Table Mtc. – Inventory – Units – Unit Categories) .
- Comes pre-populated when the software is sold.
- Type of Vehicle such as RV, truck, car, etc.
Status: Mandatory
- Has six types:
o On Hold – Unit is on the Lot but can be excluded from the Inventory report.
o In Stock – On the Lot.
o On Order - Unit a Customer has ordered but not come in yet.
o Service – Dealership does not own it. It was brought in to be serviced. Not used in this window.
o Initialized Sale: Set automatically by the system, not the User. System automatically sets when an Initialized Sale has been created for the Unit.
o Finalized Sale: Set automatically by the system, not the User. System automatically sets when a Unit has been sold.
- Defaults to In Stock.
- Can add to the Table.
- Makes a copy of the Unit.
- Only works if using the Unit Update numbering system.
- User needs to review the duplicated Unit. Most information is duplicated. If anything is different, needs to be changed.
Description: Mandatory
- Alphanumeric.
- Usually Make/Model/Year and maybe colour of the Unit.
- Shows up almost everywhere.
Type: Mandatory
- Comes from the Unit Type Table (PTS – Table Mtc. – Inventory – Units – Unit Types).
- Differentiate by different Unit Types such as New, Used, Consignment, Service, etc.
- Table is pre-populated when the software is sold.
- Can add to the Table.
Class: Mandatory
- Product Class of Vehicle.
- Taken from a Table not prepopulated (Inventory – Units – Administration – Product Classes).
- Has two purposes:
o Required for accounting (has accounts attached to them).
o Used by the Salesperson to get a listing of Units sold or in Inventory by Class.
- Examples: New Fifth Wheel, Used Fifth Wheel, New Travel Trailer, Car, SUV, Truck etc.
- Only accessible when Status is showing as Initialized Sale, Finalized Sale, On Order, or Service.
- Not accessible when Status is showing as In Stock, or On Hold.
- Used to keep track of Sold Units for future Service work.
- Must be a Customer in the system. If Customer ID is unknown, click on the Underlined Link to bring up all Customers and choose from the Table.
MFG Code:
- Manufacturing Code.
- Used for Invoicing warranty work orders.
- Code must be set up as a Manufacturer on the Customer Profile and be set up in both Customer Update and Vendor Update (See Customer Update and Vendor Update/Manufacturer Notes).
- Year the Unit was made.
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Company who manufactured the Unit (Toyota, Airstream, Yamaha, etc.).
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Model of Unit (Corolla, Flying Cloud, TWS50, etc.).
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
VIN #:
- Vehicle Identification Number.
- Only known after the Unit is In Stock.
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Not for New Units.
- Only applicable to cars and motorhomes.
- Numeric only or will receive an Error message:
License #:
- Used if License Plate comes with the vehicle, as it does in some provinces.
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
Key Code:
- Code given to Start Key.
- Can be used for information about the warranty or anything else does not have a field.
- Can be seen by Service People in Service Screen.
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
Lot #:
- May have more than one parking lot or a large Lot divided into sections.
- If labeled, the User can put in the Lot # to know where the Unit is.
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
On Lot Date:
- Defaults today’s date if entering a New Unit or the date the Unit was entered into the system.
- Unit arrival date.
- Can be overridden.
- Not mandatory but VERY advisable to enter.
- If there is a Loan on the Unit, will tell when the Unit was entered and the Loan started.
In Service Date:
- Not In Service till the Unit is Purchased.
- Can be filled in manually but when selling the Unit, this date will be prompted on the Finalized Units Sales screen and will automatically fill in here.
Warr Exp Date:
- Date the Warranty expires (if Unit is still under Warranty).
- Does not start till the Unit is Purchased.
- Can be filled in manually but when selling the Unit, this date will be prompted on the Units Sales screen and will automatically fill in here.
Ext. Warr Exp Date:
- Date the Extended Warranty expires (if Extended Warranty was purchased with the Unit).
- Does not start till the Unit is Purchased.
- Can be filled in manually but when selling the Unit, this date will be prompted on the Finalize Units Sales screen and will automatically fill in here.
Warranty Info:
- Not seen by Service.
- Shows on the Windows sticker for the Unit.
- Comments section is freeform.
MFG Date:
- Manufacturing Date.
- Used if transferring info to RV Hotline or Auto Hotline.
- Length of Unit in either feet or metres.
- Used if transferring info to RV Hotline.
- Weight of RV in Pounds or Kilos.
- Used if transferring info to RV Hotline.
- How many the RV sleeps.
- Used if transferring info to RV Hotline.
- How many extra sections pull out.
- Saves any new or updated information to the system.
- The User does not have to Submit between Tabs.
- Clears the screen.
- If any new information has not been submitted it will be lost.
- Deletes a Unit’s information from the system.
- A message will confirm that the Unit has been deleted.
- Deletes all information for this Unit.
- Cannot be deleted if anything is attached to it, like work orders or costs.
Window Sticker:
- Information collected from different screens in Unit Update (Tabbed) to be printed and put on the Unit.
Delivery Report:
- Items that are sent to Service to be fixed.
- Details anything wrong with the Unit when inspected after Delivery.
- Try to get them fixed as Warranty.
- Service people look at this to see what work needs to be done.
- May or may not be used, depending on who does the inspection. If Service people, not really needed. If Sales people they can use this window.
- Ref #:
o Manually add.
o Alphanumeric.
- Problem:
o Type in problem.
o Alphanumeric.
- WO#:
o If there is a Work Order on this, Service puts in the WO #.
Specs Tab
The display for the Lower Specification Section depends on the Unit Class selected. Table dependant. (Inventory – Units – Administration – Unit Specs – Class Specs). Mainly used for the Window Sticker.
- Auto-populates if the Class selected on the General section has been set up in the Class Specs Table.
- Shown on the Window Sticker.
- Options or Features a Unit has.
- Click on Underlined Link to choose from a Table.
- Can be grouped according to Category.
- Can have a Standard set of Specs set up for each Class.
- Can use the + and – Buttons to make it individual for that specific Unit.
- Can be edited.
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
Specification Value:
- Gives more information for the Specification.
- If left blank, will show as Incl. on the Window Sticker.
- Can be edited.
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
Serial Numbers Tab
- Just for RVs.
- What in that Unit has a Serial Number (fridge, stove, heater, etc.).
- Each has its own Warranty and Warranty Expiry Date.
- Each has a different manufacturer for Warranty Claims.
- Does not show on Window Sticker.
Serial #:
- Serial number on a specific Part.
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Description of the Part (GE Stove).
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
Warr Years:
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
Serial # Warr. Exp.:
- Not entered till Unit is sold.
- Must be in correct Date format or will receive an Error message.
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Not from a Table.
- Only need to be in the system if submitting a Warranty claim for that Manufacturer.
Gallery Tab
- Pictures can be attached to a Unit.
- Can upload images to RVHotline.
- Allows the User to organize photos or allow other people to see them.
- Can also be used for Warranty pictures.
- Will only work if a Unit ID or NEW is showing in the Unit ID field.
- Click Add,
- Pop up will appear:
- Click Browse.
- Find the picture to be added and click Open.
- Click submit.
- Name of picture will appear in the Images box and picture will show to the right.
- Add as many pictures as needed.
Flooring Tab
It is rare that a dealership owner would have the funds to finance the inventory with his or her personal assets. Therefore, it is typical that dealers seek assistance from a lender. Most dealerships are financed with a floor plan loan. What this means is that a bank will lend the dealer a percentage of the wholesale value of a unit so that the dealer can acquire inventory.
This lending method involves a continuing relationship between the lender and the dealership. As the lender's money is secured with only the units themselves, they will often perform audits to ensure that the units they've financed are as described. The dealership is required to make regular interest payments. In addition, the dealership will have to begin making payments on the principal of the loan after a certain time has elapsed. This process is called curtailment.
If your dealership operates on a floor plan loan, Peartree's Dealership software can keep this organized for you. Tracking both flooring costs and curtailment costs enables you to manage your inventory more efficiently, knowing exactly how much your units are costing you.
Amount Floored:
- Amount borrowed to pay for the Unit.
- Must be numeric or will receive an Error message.
- Two numbers only after the decimal or the system will automatically round.
Paid Principal:
- Not edited on this screen.
- Amount Floored – Paid Principal
Flooring Company ID:
- From the Vendor Profile. Flooring Company must be in the system.
- If Vendor ID is known, type in the field. If not use the Underlined link and choose from the Vendor Table.
- Alphanumeric.
Flooring Start Date:
- When loan started.
- Will be either when the Unit is on the Lot or when it left the manufacturer.
- Defaults to current date.
- Dropdown.
o Active: Flooring has not been paid off.
o Completed: Flooring has been paid off.
- Does not come from a Table.
Price/Costs Tab
List Price:
- Manufacturer’s suggested Retail Price.
- Must be numeric or will receive an Error message.
- Two numbers only after the decimal or the system will automatically round.
Dealer Price:
- Dealer’s Selling Price.
- Must be numeric or will receive an Error message.
- Two numbers only after the decimal or the system will automatically round.
- The Default on a Unit Sale but can be overridden.
Costline Price:
- The lowest price the Dealer can possibly sell it.
- Usually only used by Spader Company clients.
- The bottom line cost.
- Alphanumeric.
- Prints on Unit Inventory Report.
Estimated Inv.:
- Estimated Invoice.
- Price put in if the Invoice has not arrived and the cost is unknown but the Unit is on the Lot.
- Information only. Not linked to anything.
Base Cost:
- Comes from Accounts Payable (See Adding a Base Cost and Other Costs below).
- Updates automatically.
- Not edited in this window.
Other Costs:
- Comes from Accounts Payable (See Adding a Base Cost and Other Costs below).
- Updates automatically.
- Not edited in this window.
Int. Wo’s:
- Internal Work Orders.
- Comes from Service.
- Updates automatically.
- Not edited in this window.
- Comes from Accounts Receivable.
- Updates automatically.
- Not edited in this window.
Cost Total:
- Base Cost + Other Costs + Int. Wo’s – Rebates
Advertised Pay amount:
- RV Hotline link.
- Shows payments:
o Weekly
o Bi-monthly
o Monthly
- For the customer who eventually buys the Unit.
Deal Entry:
- Used to figure out Gross Profit and Gross.
- What the Unit Cost needs to be with a possible Trade In to get in a greater Gross Profit.
- Saves any new information added to the window.
Adding a Base Cost and Other Costs to a Unit
Base Cost is what the Unit costs to acquire.
Other Costs are costs which may or may not be added to the price, such as Freight, Brokerage, Breakage Cost, Duty, Internal Work Orders, and so on.
Adding a Base Cost
Finance – Payables – Update – AP Invoice
Payable No:
- Added by the system when Invoice is submitted.
- If entering manually, must be an Invoice already submitted in the system or will receive an Error message:
- Numeric only.
- Can click on the Underlined link. A Table will appear with all Payables entered in the system. Click in the light green area under Payable Number to bring up the appropriate invoice.
Vendor Code:
- Cursor automatically defaults to this field when screen is opened.
- Can either type in the Vendor ID from Vendor Update Profile or click on the Underlined link. A Table will appear with all Vendors entered in the system. Click in the light green area under Vendor Code to bring up the appropriate vendor.
- Usually General Electric (GE) or a bank.
- Could come straight from the Manufacturer.
Invoice No:
- Enter the number on the Invoice.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Invoice Date:
- Enter the current date.
- Can be added manually or through the Calendar icon.
- Format will be MM/dd/YY.
Due Date:
- Will automatically fill in a month from the Invoice Date.
- Can be changed manually or through the Calendar icon.
- Format will be MM/dd/YY.
PO Number:
- Add if known.
Tax Code:
- Defaults from the Vendor Profile.
- Can be changed by using the dropdown.
- Percentage:
o Cannot be a negative value or will receive an Error message.
o Cannot be over 100 or will receive an Error message.
- Date:
o If the Percentage is not 0.00, the current date will be entered by default.
o Can be changed manually or with the calendar icon.
- Total (Overridden):
o Amount defaults in from the Percentage.
o Can only be edited if Overridden is enabled.
o Freeform.
o Must be a valid number or will receive an Error message.
Line Amount:
- Amount paid for Unit.
- Numeric only or will receive an Error message.
- Positive, negative, or 0.00.
- Manually entered.
Gross Amt:
- Line Amount + Taxes
- Automatically calculates.
- To edit, click on the light green area. A pop up box will appear. A new Gross Amount can be entered.
- The Line Amount will recalculate to account for Taxes.
Line Description:
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Unlimited Space.
GL Account:
- Automatically defaults in when the Line Amount is entered.
- Comes from Vendor Profile.
- Must be an Inventory Account.
- Can be changed.
- Can manually type in the correct account or click on the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
GL Description:
- Defaults from the GL Account.
- Cannot be edited from this field.
- Alphanumeric.
- Unlimited.
- Freeform.
- Allows the User to override the Tax Amount.
- Checked allows the Tax to be overridden.
- Unchecked, the Tax cannot be overridden.
Tax Codes:
- Comes from the Tax Code dropdown in the upper section of the window.
- Cannot be overridden in this field.
Tax Amounts:
- Line Amount * Tax Amount (from the Tax Code).
- Cannot be changed if Overridden is not enabled.
- An Error message will appear if try to change without checking the Overridden box.
- Invoice Total will change if Tax Amounts is overridden.
- Line Amount and Gross Amt do not change.
- Submits the new information to the system.
- Generates an Invoice number in the Payable No field if creating from NEW.
- Line Amount must equal Unit Cost or will receive an Error message.
- Clears all information from the screen.
- If any new information has not been submitted, it will be lost.
Unit Costs:
- Clicking this button allows access to the Unit Cost window.
More than one Unit and Unit Base Cost can be added to a Payable by either clicking the + sign or tabbing through an already created line.
Vendor Code/Total Costs/Payable No./ Invoice No./Funds Code:
- Default in from the AP Invoice Update screen.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Unit ID:
- Enter the ID of the Unit for which the Base Cost is being entered.
- Unit must be saved in the Unit Inventory Profile.
- Cannot use a Unit that has already been sold or will receive an Error message about the Cost of Sales account.
Unit Description:
- Defaults in from the Unit ID and Unit Inventory Profile.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Dealer Price:
- Defaults in from the Unit ID and Unit Inventory Profile.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Base Cost:
- Enter the amount paid for the Unit.
- Cursor does not show in field. Click on the field and start typing in the amount.
- Manually entered.
- Must be a number or will receive an Error message.
- Can be positive negative or 0.00.
- Must equal to the Total Line Amount in the AP Invoice window.
- Updates under Cost Tabs in Unit Inquiry window.
- Submits any new information.
- Is not needed to save the Unit ID.
- Need to submit if Base Cost needs to be saved, otherwise it will go to 0.00.
- Closes the window.
- If the Base Cost is not submitted before Cancel is clicked, it will revert to 0.00 but the Unit ID will stay.
Adding an Other Cost
There are two ways to add an Other Cost to a Unit:
- If the Cost is being added to the price, through Accounts Payable (Finance – Payables – Update – AP Invoice).
- If the Cost is not being added to the Price, through Non AP Unit Cost (Inventory – Units – Update – Non AP Unit Costs).
Finance – Payables – Update – AP Invoice
Payable No:
- Added by the system when Invoice is submitted.
- If entering manually, must be an Invoice already submitted in the system or will receive an Error message:
- Numeric only.
- Can click on the Underlined link. A Table will appear with all Payables entered in the system. Click in the light green area under Payable Number to bring up the appropriate invoice.
Vendor Code:
- Cursor automatically defaults to this field when screen is opened.
- Can either type in the Vendor ID from Vendor Update Profile or click on the Underlined link. A Table will appear with all Vendors entered in the system. Click in the light green area under Vendor Code to bring up the appropriate vendor.
- Could be a Freight Company, a Brokerage Firm, and so on.
- Could come straight from the Manufacturer.
Invoice No:
- Enter the number on the Invoice.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Invoice Date:
- Enter the current date.
- Can be added manually or through the Calendar icon.
- Format will be MM/dd/YY.
Due Date:
- Will automatically fill in a month from the Invoice Date.
- Can be changed manually or through the Calendar icon.
- Format will be MM/dd/YY.
PO Number:
- Add if known.
Tax Code:
- Defaults from the Vendor Profile.
- Can be changed by using the dropdown.
- Percentage:
o Cannot be a negative value or will receive an Error message.
o Cannot be over 100 or will receive an Error message.
- Date:
o If the Percentage is not 0.00, the current date will be entered by default.
o Can be changed manually or with the calendar icon.
- Total (Overridden):
o Amount defaults in from the Percentage.
o Can only be edited if Overridden is enabled.
o Freeform.
o Must be a valid number or will receive an Error message.
Line Amount:
- Total Amount paid for Other Costs.
- Numeric only or will receive an Error message.
- Positive, negative, or 0.00.
- Manually entered.
Gross Amt:
- Line Amount + Taxes
- Automatically calculates.
- To edit, click on the light green area. A pop up box will appear. A new Gross Amount can be entered.
- The Line Amount will recalculate to account for Taxes.
Line Description:
- Freeform.
- Alphanumeric.
- Unlimited Space.
GL Account:
- Automatically defaults in when the Line Amount is entered.
- Comes from Vendor Profile.
- Must be an Inventory Account.
- Can be changed.
- Can manually enter or click on the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
GL Description:
- Defaults from the GL Account.
- Cannot be edited from this field.
- Alphanumeric.
- Unlimited.
- Freeform.
- Allows the User to override the Tax Amount.
- Checked allows the Tax to be overridden.
- Unchecked, the Tax cannot be overridden.
Tax Codes:
- Comes from the Tax Code dropdown in the upper section of the window.
- Cannot be overridden in this field.
Tax Amounts:
- Line Amount * Tax Amount (from the Tax Code).
- Cannot be changed if Overridden is not enabled.
- An Error message will appear if try to change without checking the Overridden box.
- Invoice Total will change if Tax Amounts is overridden.
- Line Amount and Gross Amt do not change.
- Submits the new information to the system.
- Generates an Invoice number in the Payable No field if creating from NEW.
- Line Amount must equal Unit Cost or will receive an Error message.
- Clears all information from the screen.
- If any new information has not been submitted, it will be lost.
Unit Costs:
- Clicking this button allows access to the Unit Cost window.
More than one Unit and Unit Other Cost can be added to a Payable by either clicking the + sign or tabbing through an already created line.
Vendor Code/Total Costs/Payable No./ Invoice No./Funds Code:
- Default in from the AP Invoice Update screen.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Unit ID:
- Enter the ID of the Unit for which the Other Cost is being entered.
- Unit must be saved in the Unit Inventory Profile.
- Cannot use a Unit that has already been sold or will receive an Error message about the Cost of Sales account.
Unit Description:
- Defaults in from the Unit ID and Unit Inventory Profile.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Dealer Price:
- Defaults in from the Unit ID and Unit Inventory Profile.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Base Cost:
- Can only be entered once for a Unit.
Cost Codes:
- Enter either the Cost Code manually or click on the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
- Make sure the Cost Code GL matches the GL Account from the AP Invoice Line Amount.
- The Amount can be put on one line under one Cost Code or spread over different Cost Codes.
- Total Cost Code Amounts must equal Total Line Amounts.
- Submits any new information.
- Is not needed to save the Unit ID or the Cost Code or Cost Code Amounts.
- Closes the window.
- If the Base Cost is not submitted before Cancel is clicked, it will revert to 0.00 but the Unit ID will stay.
Inventory – Units – Update – Non AP Unit Costs
This window is used only if there is a Cost that needs to be applied to a Unit but the Dealer does not owe it to anyone. For example, depreciation.
Unit ID:
- Enter the ID of the Unit for which the Other Cost is being entered.
- Unit must be saved in the Unit Inventory Profile.
- A Sold Unit will not appear here.
Description/Unit Status/Base Cost/Product Class:
- Automatically fill in from the Unit ID.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
First Cost Code section defaults in from AP Invoice Update. This section cannot be edited in this window.
Transaction Date:
- Defaults to the current date.
- Can be changed manually or using the Calendar icon.
- Format will be MM/dd/YY
Cost Code:
- Enter either the Cost Code manually or click on the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
- Can only choose a Cost Code with a Non AP Credit Account.
- Make sure the Inventory GL Account matches the GL Account from the Class field in the Unit Details window.
- More than one Cost Code can be added.
- Enter the Cost.
- Can be positive, negative, or 0.00.
- Must be numeric or will receive an Error message.
Other Costs:
- Total of all Costs from both sections.
- Field cannot be edited.
Rebate Total:
- Defaults in from another window.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Internal Work Orders:
- Defaults in from another window.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Total Cost:
- Base Cost + Other Costs - Rebate Total + Internal Work Orders
- Submits the new information to the system.
- Generates an Invoice number in the Payable No field if creating from NEW.
- Line Amount must equal Unit Cost or will receive an Error message.
- Clears all information from the screen.
- If any new information has not been submitted, it will be lost.
Inventory –Units – Reports – Outstanding Floor
- This shows Flooring put in through Accounts Payable, not by any other events.
- Similar to Outstanding Invoices in AP Invoice Inquiry (Finance – Payables – Inquiry – AP Invoices).
- The Accountant takes this Report and matches it to the report received from the Flooring Company.
- The Stock Number on the report is the the Unit ID since the Flooring Company would not have the Dealership Unit ID for the Units.
- When making a payment to the Flooring Company, the User can put a Comment on the Line Description and it would show on this report under Description.
Vendor Code:
- Manually enter the Code or click the underlined link to choose from the Table.
- If the report is for all Vendors, do not populate this field.
Sort By:
- Can choose from three different options: Vendor Code, Vendor Name, Invoice Number.
- Defaults to Invoice Number.
- Prints the outstanding Flooring Invoices for the Vendor chosen, or for all Vendors, if a Code is not put in the field.
To Excel:
- Exports the information to an Excel spreadsheet.
- The same columns as the report, no extra columns added.
- Clears the Vendor Code field.
- Does not set the Sort By back to the default.
When selling a Unit there are a minimum of two steps to follow:
- Initialize a Sale.
- Finalize a Sale.
If the customer is also trading in another Unit, there is a middle step: Assign a Trade Cost. This is still an optional step because this can also be done during Final Sale. This window will also be used if the Dealer wants to add Cost to Finalize Cost.
Sales – Units – Initialize Sale
An initialized sale is basically a sale that is pending. You have a customer who wants to buy the unit in question, and you are ready to proceed.
Any client who is also using Quantech V6 would not use this window, because the Quantech system does it for them. This window is only used when a deposit is being made on a Unit. It is a commitment made with money put down on the Unit.
Unit ID:
- Either manually enter the ID or click on the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
- The Unit information will automatically populate.
- If there is no Base Cost associated with the Unit, an Error message will appear.
- A Base Cost must be added before the Dealer can finalize the Sale (See Adding a Base Cost and Other Costs in the Inventory Notes section).
Deal Store:
- If the User has access to only one store, that store will automatically default in.
- If the User has access to more than one store, and it is not the default store showing, choose the correct store from the dropdown.
Description/Unit Type/ Manufacturer/Class/Retail:
- Default in from the Unit Update window.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Customer ID:
- Either manually enter the ID or click on the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
- If the Customer is not in the system already, either enter in the Customer Update window (see Customer Update notes), or click the New Button and enter through the pop up window.
- Adds a new Customer into the sytem.
- Click the Button. A pop up window will appear similar to the Customer Update window.
- Fill in the pertinent information and Submit.
Tax Code:
- Initially defaults in from the Store Profile window.
- Once a Customer ID is added, defaults from the Customer Update window.
- Can be changed by using the dropdown.
Customer Name:
- Defaults in from the Customer Update window.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
- Choose from the dropdown.
- Comes from System Admin – Configuration – Tables – Salesperson – Update.
Sales Date:
- The date the Unit is sold.
- Defaults to the current date.
- Can be changed by typing in the new date (MM/DD/YY) or by clicking on the Calendar icon an choosing a date.
- Can be a Past, Present or Future date.
Delivery Date:
- The date the Unit leaves the Lot.
- May or may not be the same as the Sales Date.
- Defaults to the current date.
- Can be changed by typing in the new date (MM/DD/YY) or by clicking on the Calendar icon and choosing a date.
- Can be a Past, Present or Future date.
- Manually type in anything that pertains to the Delivery Unit or the Unit to be sold.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
- The price at which the Unit is being sold.
- Defaults in from the Inventory Update window.
- Can be overridden.
- Must be numerical or will receive an Error message.
- Can be positive, negative or 0.00.
Trade Number:
- Free form.
- Alphanumeric.
- Common practice is to use the Unit Id and add a suffix to it, such as ‘a’. I14 Trade In - I4a.
- If coming from Quantech, uses 1 if it is first Trade and 2 if there is another Trade In, etc.
Trade Description:
- Free form.
- Alphanumeric.
- Manually type in a description of the Trade In, usually Year/Make/Model maybe colour.
- Defaults in when putting this Trade into Inventory.
Tax Flag:
- Defaults in from Unit Profile.
- Can be changed.
- Manually enter the new Code or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- Amount for the Trade In given to the Customer.
- Most likely will not be the same as the actual value of the Unit.
- Must be numeric or will get an Error message.
- Can be positive, negative or 0.00
- Must have a Trade Number entered or will get an Error message.
Lien Amount:
- Amount still owed on the Trade In.
- Must be numeric or will get an Error message.
- Can be positive, negative or 0.00
Lien Holder:
- Amount the Dealer will have to pay the Lien Holder when the Trade is done.
- Must be in the system.
- Can use the Underlined Link to choose a Lien Holder from the Table.
Trade Balance:
- Defaults from the Allowance field in the Trade section.
- Cannot be edited in this field.
- Must edit in the Allowance field, if the amount is incorrect.
- Subtracts from the Price.
PDI Charge:
- Amount for the PDI if charging the Customer.
- Usually Internal and built into the price for the Unit.
- Must be numeric or will get an Error message.
- Can be positive, negative or 0.00
- Adds to the Price.
Setup Charge:
- Charge for the Set Up.
- Must be numeric or will get an Error message.
- Can be positive, negative or 0.00
- Adds to the Price.
Admin Fee:
- Charge for Admin.
- Must be numeric or will get an Error message.
- Can be positive, negative or 0.00
- Adds to the Price.
Add Ons:
- Total of all the Priced Add Ons in the Add On section.
Add On Code:
- Extras such as rust proofing, extra fees, Life/Illness insurance, etc. Not Insurance on the Unit.
- From a Table (Sales – Units – Other – Add On Table).
- Accessories is the only Add On that must have a Product added or will receive an Error message.
Product Number:
- Extra things to go with the Unit that are not included in the Sale.
- Draws from the Parts Profile.
- Some Dealerships use Part numbers with Add Ons but most have a generic product set up.
- Can manually enter or use the Underlined link to choose from Table.
- Can only be used with Add On Code Accessories with an RP Code or will receive an Error message.
- Add On Description.
- Draws from the Add On Code.
- Can be changed.
- Draws from the Product Profile.
- Can be changed.
- Must be greater than 0 or will get an Error message.
Tax Flag:
- Draws from the Add On Table.
- Can be changed.
- Draws from the Parts Table.
- Only shows when a Product Number is added to the line.
- If an amount is showing, it can be changed.
- If no Product is added, this field is inaccessible.
- If a Price lower than the Average COST price, from the Product Profile, is put in, an Error message will appear.
Inst. Req’d:
- Installation Required.
- Options of Y(es) or N(o).
- Defaults to Y.
- Can be changed using the dropdown.
- Y – Part is taken out of Inventory on the Work Order.
- N – Part is taken out of Inventory upon Sale.
Net Sale:
- Price – Trade Balance + PDI Charge + Setup Charge + Admin Fee + Add Ons
Amounts/ Tax Codes:
- Shows what Taxes are added to the Price or Costs and the accumulative amount for each.
- Cannot be changed in these fields.
Tax Total:
- Total amount of all the different Taxes calculated on the Sale.
- Closed field. Cannot be changed.
License Charge:
- If the License Plate stays with the Unit, there may be a charge.
- Must be numeric or will receive an Error message.
- Can be positive, negative, or 0.00.
- No taxes are calculated from this field.
- Not mandatory.
Deal Total:
- Price – Trade Balance + PDI Charge + Setup Charge + Admin Fee + Add Ons + Tax Total + License Charge.
- This field cannot be edited.
Customer Has Paid:
- Shows amount Customer has already paid.
- Not an editable field.
- Comes from Payment window.
Customer Still Owes:
- Deal Total – Customer Has Paid
Amount Financed:
- Amount financed by another party.
- Saves the Initialized Sale in the system.
- When Submitted, the line “Unit ID” Sale Initialized will be seen under the Deal Total field.
- Clears the screen for the next Sale.
- Any new information that has not been submitted will not be saved.
Cancel Sale:
- If the sale is going no further, cancels the Sale if it has been submitted.
- If the Sale has been Finalized, the User needs to reopen the Finalized Sale before it can be cancelled here.
- Pop up window.
- Unit ID, Sales Total, Customer Has Paid and Customer Still Owes defaults in from main screen.
- Shows the Payments made on the Unit.
- Can make extra payments in this window using the Add Payment Button or the + Button in the Title Row.
- A Sale should not be Initialized until the customer makes a payment.
- Cannot use the – button to delete a row or an Error message will appear.
- Payment File Key:
o Payment number assigned to the payment.
o If it is a Payment or a Payment Reversal, click in the field to show the Payment Details.
o If it is a Payment and needs to be reversed, click in the field to being up the Payment Screen. The Payment can be Reversed from this screen.
- Payment Type:
o Shows with what the Payment was made (cheque, credit card, cash, etc).
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Payment Description:
o Shows what kind of Payment it is (Payment, Reversal, Dealer Reserve, etc.) and on what Unit.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Payment Date:
o Shows the Date of the payment.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Payment Amount:
o Shows the Amount of the payment.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Add Payment Button:
o Payment Key:
§ Will show NEW.
o Work Order #, Sales Transaction ID, Unit ID, A/R Invoice and Store Number default in.
o Payment Date: Defaults to the current date. Can be changed.
o Payment Type:
§ Select from dropdown.
o Payment Amount:
§ Enter a valid dollar amount.
§ A positive amount makes a payment.
§ A negative amount reverses a payment.
o Amount Still Remaining:
§ Defaults to full amount still owing.
§ Can be overridden if making a larger or smaller payment amount.
o Tracking Number:
§ The Authorization Number the Credit Card company gives when making a payment.
§ If the incorrect amount is entered and Submitted, a Reverse Payment can be made by putting in the negative amount of what is incorrect. Redo with the correct amount.
o Submit:
§ Saves the payment made or reversed.
§ Payment Type must be selected or will receive an Error message.
· Will receive a pop up.
· Button disappears once payment is submitted.
o Reverse:
§ Once a payment is submitted, the Reverse Button appears.
· If the incorrect amount is entered and Submitted, clicking this button will automatically reverse the payment.
· The Payment Amount will be the negative of what was entered.
· A pop up window will appear.
· Button disappears once payment is reversed.
o Print Receipt:
§ Button appears after payment is submitted.
§ Click to print a receipt of the payment or reversal payment entered.
o Close:
§ Closes the Payment window and returns the User to the Payment Details window.
§ If the Sale has been fully paid, an Error warning will appear.
- Close:
o Closes the Payment Details window and returns the User to the Initial Unit Sales window.
Disp. Costs:
- Shows the Unit Sales Cost Display.
- Shows the Margin and Markup % amounts.
- Shows the GL Transactions for the Sale using the GL Data Button.
- GL Data:
o A preview of what the G/L transactions will look like.
o No G/L transactions done as of yet.
- Flooring:
o Only use this section if using the Flooring Curtailment subsystem.
o Do not use if using AP Invoice.
Add On Costs:
- Pop up window.
- Similar to Add On Table on Initial Unit Sales screen.
- Has an extra Cost column. If the Insurance Company or and company needs to be paid, using this column will create an automatic invoice so the User can write a cheque.
- Can add more Add On items.
- Pop up window.
- Shows Price versus Cost of all monetary amounts for the Sale.
- Same information as the Payment window but in a slightly different format.
- Include Curtailment: The premium for the Unit.
- Information only.
- Does not link to anything.
- Can use the + Button to add more than one Salesperson, if needed.
- Commission ID:
o Can put in the Salesperson responsible for the Sale by choosing from the dropdown.
- Commission Amount:
o Put in the commission the Salesperson earned from the Sale.
- Sales Area:
o Not editable field.
- Commission Total:
o Total of all the commissions for the sale is more than one Salesperson was involved.
- A ‘what-if’ screen.
- The User can play with the Customer Offer to show different Margins.
- Update Sale:
o If the Customer Offer is changed and agreed upon by both parties, the Sale can be updated with this button.
o This will reflect in the Price in the Initial Unit Sales window.
Print Deal:
- Two formats available:
o Powersport Agreement
o Vehicle Purchase Agreement
- Format defaults from System Admin – Parameters – Store – Units Tab.
- Format can be changed in the above screen.
- Vehicle Purchase Agreement is used in Ontario.
- Majority of Dealerships print the contract from Quantech, not from here.
Sales – Units – Other – Add On Table
Add On Code: Mandatory
- Manually enter Code.
- Can see all Codes entered by clicking on the Underlined link.
- If the system is linked with Quanteck and using this for the deals, the Code needs to be in a particular format for Insurance reasons.
- Type in the description of the Code.
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
Add On Type: Mandatory
- Choose from dropdown.
- Options come from Sales – Units – Other – Add On Type Table.
- Not linked to any reports.
Tax Flag:
- Choose from dropdown.
- Insurance is Tax Exempt.
Generate AP:
- If checked then need to add a Vendor as well.
- Will generate an AP transaction for the Vendor upon Sale.
- If a Vendor must be added to the Add On, this field must be checked.
- Mandatory if Generate AP is checked.
- If Generate AP is not checked, this field will be inaccessible.
- Must be in the Vendor Profile.
- Rarely filled in.
- Most Add Ons will change cost from deal to deal.
List Price:
- Rarely filled in.
- Most Add Ons will change price from deal to deal.
- Only add on that may have a set price is a Doc Fee.
Default for Accessories:
- Check only if the Add On must have a Part Number.
Apply Revenue To:
- New to Version 6.
- Choose option from dropdown: Other, Sales Office, Business Office.
- Defaults to Other.
- Takes Revenue from the Add On and places it in the appropriate place.
- What department gets the commission.
Store/Store Name:
- Defaults in from Store Profile.
- Shows the stores to which the User has access.
Sales G/L Code: Mandatory
- What G/L account is used for Revenue for the Add On.
- Manually add or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Sales GL Description:
- Defaults in from the GL Account chosen.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Cost of Sales GL Account:
- Used only if Default for Accessories is checked.
- Manually add or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- Saves any new information added tp the window.
- Clears the window of information.
- Any new information not submitted will be lost.
- Deletes the Add On.
- Only can delete add ons that have not been added to a Unit or will receive an Error message.
Initialized Sale with a Trade
When Dealerships take a Unit in Trade, they want to sell it right away. Sometimes the Trade In is sold before the Sale is finalized. The Unit cannot be sold till a Trade Cost is added, which can be done from the screen below OR from Finalize Sale.
Sales – Units – Assign Trade Cost
Sold Unit ID:
- Only Initialized Sales with Trades.
- Manually enter the ID of the Unit with an assigned Trade In or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- Must be a valid Initialized sale with a trade-in or will receive an Error message.
Customer/Class/Sales Date/Trade Balance:
- Default in from the Initialized Sale window.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Add/Update Trade:
- Pop up window where information about the Trade In can be entered.
- Fill in the same as Unit Update Window.
- Unit ID: Mandatory
o Manually enter an ID for the Trade in.
o Usually similar to the original Unit ID.
o If the Trade In is already in the system can manually enter or use the Underlined link to choose the ID from the Table.
o Alphanumeric.
o Freeform.
- New Unit:
o If the Trade In is not in the system can add to the Inventory using this Button.
o Unit ID changes to NEW.
o When Submitted, the system will assign a Unit number.
- Description: Mandatory
o Defaults in from the Trade In window.
o Can be changed.
o If a Unit already saved in the system is entered in Unit ID, it will change to that Unit Description.
- Type: Mandatory
o Defaults in.
o Can be changed by using the dropdown.
- Status: Mandatory
o Defaults in.
o Can be changed by using the dropdown.
- Mfg Code:
o Manually enter Code or use Underlined link to choose from the Table.
o See Manufacturers Notes for explanation and set up.
- Year:
o Year the Unit was made.
o Alphanumeric.
o Unlimited.
o Manually enter.
- Make:
o Make of the Unit (Coachman, Keystone, Toyota, Ford, etc.).
o Alphanumeric.
o Unlimited.
o Manually enter.
- Model:
o Model of the Unit (Hideout, Prowler 245c, Corolla, Mustang, etc.).
o Alphanumeric.
o Unlimited.
o Manually enter.
- Length:
o Length of the Unit (feet, inches, meters, centimeters, etc.).
o Alphanumeric.
o Unlimited.
o Manually enter.
- Interior:
o Info on Interior.
- Licence #:
o Licence Number of the Unit.
o Alphanumeric.
o Unlimited.
o Manually enter.
- Odometer:
o Number of KM or Miles already on the Unit.
o Numeric only or will receive an Error message.
o Manually enter.
o Choose KM or Miles from dropdown after the field.
- Key Code:
o Manually enter Key code for Unit if there is one.
o Alphanumeric.
o Unlimited.
o Freeform.
- Chassis No.:
o Alphanumeric.
- VIN #:
o Manually enter VIN # for the Unit.
o Alphanumeric.
o Unlimited.
o Freeform.
- Coach No.:
o Manually enter Number.
o Alphanumeric.
o Unlimited.
o Freeform.
- Other Serial Number(s):
- Serial #:
o If Serial Numbers were missed in the initial adding of the Unit, they can be entered here.
o Manually enter Number.
o Alphanumeric.
o Unlimited.
o Freeform.
- Description:
o Enter a Description for the Serial Number (GE Fridge, LP Stove, etc).
o Manually enter.
o Alphanumeric.
o Unlimited.
o Freeform.
- Warr. Yrs:
o Enter the number of years for which the Warranty is eligible, if there is one.
o Manually enter Number.
o Numeric only or will receive an Error message.
o The number can only be smaller or equal to 99 and cannot be negative or will receive an Error message. 0 is allowed.
o Freeform.
- Serial# Warr. Exp.:
o Date the Serial Number Warranty expires.
o Does not depend on or connected to number of years entered for Warranty.
o Will show as MM/DD/YY, with only the last two year digits showing.
o Must enter a valid Date or will receive an Error message and the date will show as 12/30/99.
- Manufacturer:
o Manually enter the name of the Manufacturer.
o Alphanumeric.
o Unlimited.
o Freeform.
- Category: Mandatory
o From PTS – Table Mtc. – Inventory – Units – Unit Categories.
o Choose from dropdown.
- Class: Mandatory
o Either manually enter the Class Code or click the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
o From Inventory - Units - Administration - Product Classes
o If an incorrect code is entered an Error message will appear.
- Estimated Inv.:
o Estimated Invoice amount
o May enter if the Invoice has not arrived and the cost is unknown but the Unit is on the Lot.
- List Price:
o Manufacturer’s suggested Retail Price.
o Must be numeric or will receive an Error message.
o Two numbers only after the decimal or the system will automatically round.
- Dealer Price:
o Dealer’s Selling Price.
o Must be numeric or will receive an Error message
o Two numbers only after the decimal or the system will automatically round.
o The Default on a Unit Sale but can be overridden.
- Costline:
o The lowest price the Dealer can possibly sell it.
o Usually only used by Spader Company clients.
o Alphanumeric.
o Prints on Unit Inventory Report.
- Base Cost/Other Costs/Rebates/Cost Total:
o Default in from other window.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Upd. Costs:
o Update Costs.
o This window adds the cost to the Unit (Base Cost, Rebates and Other Costs).
- Transaction Date:
o Defaults to the current date.
o Can be changed by manually typing in the address (MM/DD/YY or the alphabetic abbreviation for the Month (Sept) and the day, the year will automatically default to the current).
- Base Cost:
o Base Cost is what the Dealer thinks the Unit is worth.
o This may not be the same amount as the Allowance Amount in the Initialized Sale.
o Manually entered.
o Must be a number or will receive an Error message.
o Can be positive or 0.00.
o Cannot be negative or will receive an Error message.
- Allowance:
o Defaults in form the Initialized Sale window.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
o It is the amount the Dealer paid for the Trade In.
- Cost Code:
o Additional costs on the Trade In, if required.
o The Code must match the Class Inventory Type or will receive an Error message.
o Can be manually entered or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
o Class from previous window must be filled in or will receive an Error message.
- Other Costs:
o Amount for additional Costs for the Trade In.
o A Cost Code must be present or will receive an Error message.
o Can be positive, negative or 0.00.
- Cost Description:
o Defaults in from Cost Code.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Other Costs:
o Total of all the Costs added in the Cost Section above.
- Rebate Code:
o Code for type of Rebate from the Manufacturer.
o Can be manually entered or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- Rebate Amount:
o A Rebate Code must be entered or will receive an Error message.
o The Code must match the Inventory Class or will receive an Error message.
o Can be positive, negative or 0.00.
- Rebate Description:
o Defaults in from Rebate Code.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Rebate Total:
o Total of all the Rebate Amounts added in the Rebate Section above.
- Total Cost:
o Base Cost + Other Costs – Rebate Total
- Close Window:
o Closes Window and saves whatever was entered.
o If any line has entries, all fields in the row must be filled or will receive an Error message.
- Specification
o Like the Specification Tab on the Unit Update Tab.
o Add different specs by manually entering or clicking on the Underlined link and choose from the Table.
o Alphanumeric.
- Specification Value:
o Description of the Specification.
o Manually entered.
o Alphanumeric.
- Lot #:
o If the Dealership has more than one Lot or area where the Units physically are.
o Manually enter.
o Alphanumeric.
o Not linked to anything.
- On-Lot Date:
o Defaults to current date.
o Can be changed manually using the MM/DD/YY format or by typing in the month and day, the current year will automatically be entered.
- In Service Date:
o The date the Unit was put In Service.
o Can be entered manually using the MM/DD/YY format or by typing in the month and day, the current year will automatically be entered.
- Warranty Expiry Date:
o Date warranty expires, if there is one on the Unit.
o Can be entered manually using the MM/DD/YY format or by typing in the month and day, the current year will automatically be entered.
- Comments:
o Alphanumeric.
o Freeform.
o Unlimited.
- Submit:
o Submits and saves any new or updated information to the system.
- Delete:
o Deletes all entered information from the system.
- Clear:
o Clears the screen.
o If any new information has not been submitted it will be lost.
- Close Window:
o Closes this window and returns to Assign Trade Cost window.
- Window Sticker:
o Information collected from different screens in Assign Trade Cost to be printed and put on the Unit.
Sales – Units – Finalize Sale
Once the customer has paid for the unit, you can finalize the sale. You can always undo a finalized sale in the event that it cannot be completed. It is important to keep in mind, though, that finalizing a sale will adjust your finance and inventory modules. After a sale is finalized, it is removed from your inventory and associated with the customer it has been sold to. If that customer requires service in the future, the RV’s information will be stored in the customer’s file.
Unit ID:
- Manually enter the ID of the Unit or click the Underlined link to choose an Initialized Sale from the Table.
- The Unit must have an Initialized Sale in the system or an Error warning will appear.
Deal Store:
- Defaults from the Store Profile.
- Can use the dropdown to change to another store, if the User has access to more than one.
Description/Unit Type/Class/Customer ID/Manufacturer/MFG Date:
- Default in from the Initialized Sales Window.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
Sales Date:
- Defaults in from the Initialized Sales window.
- Will show the date of the Initialized Sale.
- Can be manually changed by typing in a new date or by using the calendar icon.
Posting Date:
- Defaults to the current date.
- Can be manually changed by typing in a new date or by using the calendar icon.
- This is the date when the transaction needs to be posted to the General Ledger, usually when delivered (unless the dealership is storing the Unit for the customer).
Delivery Date:
- When the Unit is to be delivered to the customer.
- Usually the Posting Date but not always of the Unit is being stored for the customer.
Tax Code:
- Defaults from the Initialized Sale window.
- Can be changed by using the dropdown.
- Defaults from the Initialized Sale window.
- Can be changed by using the dropdown.
- Defaults from the Initialized Sale window.
- Can be changed.
- Shows if there was a Trade In associated with the Sale.
- Gives the Description of the Trade IN, how much was paid for the Trade IN (Allowance), Lien and the Trade In ID.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
- Defaults from the Initialized Sale window.
Trade Balance:
- Total of all the Trade Ins listed in the Trades section.
- Defaults in from the Initialized Sales window.
- Subtracts from the Price.
- Cannot be edited in this window.
- Can click the Underlined link to see more details on the Trade In(s).
- Description:
o Defaults in from the Initialized Sales window.
o Can be overridden.
o Alphanumeric.
o Freeform.
- Tax Flag:
o Defaults in from the Initialized Sales window.
o Can be changed by manually overriding or clicking the Underlined link.
- Allowance:
o Defaults in from the Initialized Sales window.
o Can be overridden.
o Does not save.
- Trade Unit ID:
o Defaults in from the Initialized Sales window.
o If the Trade In has not been added to the Inventory, or is in inventory but not linked to the deal, it can be added by clicking in the empty Trade Unit ID box. The Trade In window will appear (see Assign Trade In Cost Notes above).
- Lien Amount:
o Defaults in from the Initialized Sales window.
o Can be overridden by manually editing.
o Does not save.
- Lien Vendor:
o Defaults in from the Initialized Sales window.
o Can be overridden by manually editing or clicking the Underlined link and choosing from the Table.
o Must be saved in the Vendor Update window in order to add.
o Does not save.
- Close Window:
o Closes the window.
o Does not save any changes.
PDI Charge:
- Amount for the PDI if charging the Customer.
- Usually Internal and built into the price for the Unit.
- Must be numeric or will get an Error message.
- Can be positive, negative or 0.00
- Adds to the Price.
Setup Charge:
- Charge for the Set Up.
- Must be numeric or will get an Error message.
- Can be positive, negative or 0.00
- Adds to the Price.
Admin Fee:
- Charge for Admin.
- Must be numeric or will get an Error message.
- Can be positive, negative or 0.00
- Adds to the Price.
Add Ons:
- Total of all the Priced Add Ons in the Add On section.
- Defaults from the Initialized Sale window.
- Click the Underlined link for more information on the Add Ons.
Net Sale:
- Price – Trade Balance + PDI Charge + Setup Charge + Admin Fee + Add Ons
- List of Payments made towards the Sale of the Unit.
Tax Code/Amount:
- Shows the different tax codes applied to the sale and the amounts.
Total Tax:
- Total of all the different taxes added together.
Customer Has Paid:
- Amount Customer has paid towards the Unit.
Customer Still Owes:
- Total = Customer Has Paid
- Alphanumeric.
- Freeform.
- Unlimited.
License Charge:
- Some provinces has the License stay with the Unit.
- Must be numeric or will receive an Error message.
- Can be positive, negative, or 0.00.
- No taxes are calculated from this field.
- Not mandatory.
- Net Sales + Tax Total
In Service Date:
- Date the Unit is put In Service for Inspection.
- Can be manually entered or use the Calendar icon.
Amount Financed:
- If the Unit is being financed, the amount for which is being financed.
MFG Warr. Exp. Date:
- Manufacturer’s Warranty Expiry Date.
- Usually the Sales Date + 3 years.
Ext. Warr. Exp. Date:
- Extended Warranty Expiry Date.
- The date the extended warranty ends if the customer has purchased.
- Saves any new information entered.
- Clears the screen of Unit information.
- Any new information entered that has not been submitted will be lost.
- Pop up window.
- Unit ID, Sales Total, Customer Has Paid and Customer Still Owes defaults in from main screen.
- Shows the Payments made on the Unit.
- Can make extra payments in this window using the Add Payment Button or the + Button in the Title Row.
- Cannot use the x button to delete a row. An Error message will appear.
- Payment File Key:
o Payment number assigned to the payment.
o If it is a Payment or a Payment Reversal, click in the field to show the Payment Details.
o If it is a Payment and needs to be reversed, click in the field to being up the Payment Screen. The Payment can be Reversed from this screen.
- Payment Type:
o Shows with what the Payment was made (cheque, credit card, cash, etc).
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Payment Description:
o Shows if it is a Payment or Reversal and on what Unit.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Payment Date:
o Shows the Date of the payment.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Payment Amount:
o Shows the Amount of the payment.
o Cannot be edited in this window.
- Add Payment Button:
o Payment Key:
§ Will show NEW.
o Work Order #, Sales Transaction ID, Unit ID, A/R Invoice and Store Number default in.
o Payment Date: Defaults to the current date. Can be changed.
o Payment Type:
§ Select from dropdown.
§ If the deal is Financed by a Financing Company, choose Direct Deposit from the dropdown.
§ If it is a Dealer Reserve type payment, choose Dealer Reserve in the dropdown.
o Payment Amount:
§ Enter a valid dollar amount.
§ A positive amount makes a payment.
§ A negative amount reverses a payment.
§ If a Dealer Reserve payment type is being entered, a negative amount is added for the kick back amount for the dealership.
o Amount Still Remaining:
§ Defaults to full amount still owing.
§ Can be overridden if making a larger or smaller payment amount.
o Tracking Number:
§ The Authorization Number the Credit Card company gives when making a payment.
§ If the incorrect amount is entered and Submitted, a Reverse Payment can be made by putting in the negative amount of what is incorrect. Redo with the correct amount.
o Submit:
§ Saves the payment made or reversed.
§ Changes the Sale to a Finalized Sale.
§ Takes the Unit out of Inventory.
§ Any Liens, Add-Ons etc. may create Accounts Payable invoices, depending on the settings in the store parameters and the add-on table.
§ Payment Type must be selected or will receive an Error warning.
· Will receive a pop up.
· Button disappears once payment is submitted.
o Reverse:
§ Once a payment is submitted, the Reverse Button appears.
· If the incorrect amount is entered and Submitted, clicking this button will automatically reverse the payment.
· The Payment Amount will be the negative of what was entered.
· A pop up window will appear.
· Button disappears once payment is reversed.
o Print Receipt:
§ Button appears after payment is submitted.
§ Click to print a receipt of the payment or reversal payment entered.
o Close:
§ Closes the Payment window and returns the User to the Payment Details window.
§ If the Sale has been fully paid, an Error message will appear.
- Close:
o Closes the Payment Details window and returns the User to the Final Unit Sales window.
- Prints the Sale Invoice.
- The Sale must be Invoiced in order to print or will receive an Error message.
Disp. Costs:
- Display Costs Window.
- A summary of the unit sale.
- Margin: Total Sales – Total Costs.
- Mark Up %: Percentage of Total Cost.
- Margin %: Percentage of Margin.
- Over/Underallowance:
o Shows as Trade Difference in G/L Data.
o What was allowed on the Trade and what was stated to be really worth.
- GL Data:
o Shows the General Ledger Transactions for the Sale.
o Can be Printed or sent To Excel spreadsheet.
- Close:
o Closes the window and returns to the Finalize Unit Sale window.
- Pop up window.
- Shows Price versus Cost of all monetary amounts for the Sale.
- Include Curtailment: The principle for the Unit.
Re-Open a Sale
If a mistake has been made on the Finalized Sale, like the Cost which cannot be changed once a Sale is finalized, the Sale can be re-opened to make changes.
Sales – Units – Re-Open Sale
- Re-opening does not reverse Payments.
- Re-opening does reverse the General Ledger Transactions.
- The Customer will have a Credit Balance until the deal has been re-finalized.
Unit ID:
- Manually enter the Unit whose Sale is to be re-opened or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
- Click to enter the Cancel Date.
- A pop-up will appear.
o Manually enter the Cancel Date or use the Calendar icon.
o Click Submit to re-open the Sale.
- Once re-opened, nothing can be edited in this window. The salesperson must go back into Initialized Sale, Inventory or whatever window that needs to be changed.
- Once the correction has been made, the salesperson can open the Initialized Sale window, bring up the Unit and all the information will still be there. If the Sale is not going though, once brought up, the salesperson can click Cancel Sale in the Initialized Sale window to cancel.
Sales – Inquiry – Unit Sales
- To inquire on Initialized and Finalized Sales.
- Can see if there were any Trade Ins with the Unit, Payments made, Costs, etc.
Sales – Units – Reports – Unit Sales
- To see everything, leave the non-dropdown fields blank.
- Can be used to do Commission Calculations: Export to Excel and add a Commissions column.
From/To Date:
- Enter a date range.
- The To Date will automatically default to the current date.
Date to Use:
- Use dropdown to choose between Sale or Posting.
- Choose between Initialized Only, Finalized Only or Initialized or Finalized(shows both).
Sales – Units – Reports – Salesperson
- To see everything, leave fields blank and do not select a Salesperson.
- Can be used to do Commission Calculations: Export to Excel and add a Commissions column.
From/To Date:
- Enter a date range or leave blank to see all dates.
- Leave as is to see all Salespeople or choose from the dropdown to see just one.
Sales Status:
- Choose between Initialized Only, Finalized Only or Initialized and Finalized(shows both).
Exclude Internal WO’s:
- Check to include Internal WO’s and PDI’s.
Inventory – Units - Inquiry – By Unit (Tabbed)
- Organized the same way as the Unit Inventory Input Screen.
Service History:
- Any work orders against the Unit.
- Trade Difference:
o Difference between Trade Allowance and Actual Cost will show here.
- Base Detail:
o Where the Costs come from.
Inventory – Units – Reports – Unit Inventory
Unit Category/Manufacturer:
- Leave as is.
- Click All to check all boxes.
- Can check individual boxes if do not want to see All.
- Can check more than one box.
Display Costs:
- May or may not have access, depends upon privileges of the User.
Include Internal WO Costs for:
- Can include all WO’s, only closed WO’s or no WO’s (by not checking the boxes).
Sort Options:
- Can use default options or uncheck and choose own from the dropdown.
- Can still change default options by choosing a different option in one of the dropdowns.
- Days On Lot is a dropdown option.
Sales – Inquiry – Customer Inquiry – Customer Unit(s)
- Only one customer at a time.
- Shows all Units to which the Customer is associated.
- Will initially show all WO’s for that Customer.
- Clicking on a Unit shows all WO’s associated with just that Unit.
- No units: There are WO’s for the customer but not associated with any Unit.
Customer ID:
- Manually enter the ID or use the Underlined link to choose from the Table.
Work Order:
- Clicking on a WO shows a pop up of that WO.
- There are further Buttons and drilldown items within this pop up.